Merry Christmas everyone! On this day oh so many years ago, Jesus Christ was born. He would then go on to teach the word of God to any and all, no matter if you were a sinner, a Jew, poor, rich, old, young, a prostitute, or a taxer. Because he died on the cross for everyone. I pray for everyone on this day to have joy, and for there to be grace throughout the world. I pray for those who are less fortunate, and I pray that this new year to come will be plentiful. I pray for those who are going through a tough time, so that Jesus may take your hand, and help guide you through those tough times. I pray for those who lost a loved one, so that they can know that their loved one is in heaven right now, waiting with Jesus and God for the day (in many years) that you will join them. And finally I pray for the new lives born on this day, and that their life is full of joy and peace.
All in all, I hope everyone is having a good Christmas, and happy holidays to all!