
Hey there, all!
          	To get over some writer's block, I finished a short story I had nearly completed. It is complete and published. It's "Hero's Unrequited Lament" and it isn't like my normal work, but I do still like it. :)


Any progress for book 3 it’s been a while?


@VioletSample  I am still working on it. I just had a bit of a blockage that I've been trying to work through. Plus, there's some stuff that I've been trying to figure out how to incorporate. I'll also say that I try to complete the whole book and edit it before I start to publish. I want y'all to not have to wait too long for the next chapter... or have me have writer's block and you don't get an update for ages. However, I'll get better. I just got some resources to really help me nail down this novel's "villain"... :D


Okay, I'm excited to announce that I've opened a website... It's called ""... because I feel like I'll die if I stop creating... figuratively not literally! ;)
          On this website, I am also posting my artwork if you're interested. It's just a fun little passion project AND where I'll put links to other things if you're interested. Plus, now that WattPad is taking down the DM function, we can chat if you're interested.
          I will say that this does NOT mean I won't still be working and publishing here, but it allows me to add on additional things!
          Hope to see you there! Hugs and Kisses!


@heanki14 I was starting to feel like a grade schooler with how much art I was carting to my parents to show... So funny! :)
            And, since you helped encourage me to press go on the website, I'll let you know a silly thing I did yesterday... I created an "audiobook" of Chapter 1 of "Never Give Up". It's just me, some headphones, and an AI bot. If you listen, let me know what you think. It was something silly a friend and I thought of... we have a friend who doesn't seem to read much, but DOES listen to audiobooks... and it could be something I do in the future... maybe if I ever do a "members only" type thing.


The abstract art looks so fun! And the bird is so cute! I’m glad you decided to go ahead with the website after all :)


I love your writing!  I just finished Never Surrender and I am so looking forward to the third book and the spinoff with Jeny and Sejin as well! I hope that things are going better for you and your family  


@heanki14 I was agonizing about the cost of the website... but I think you've finally convinced me. :D


@SaraDanae619 Please keep us updated about the website! I’d love to see your artwork!  :)


@heanki14 Things are definitely better family wise. Life is crazy pants, but I'll get everyone that book soon! I will also say that I'm working on a website for me to show y'all other creative things I've been doing... a LOT of painting... which includes an unfinished one that's Jimin inspired that I'm completely enamoured of! :)


Any ETA on the third book to be out?


@SaraDanae619 I'm sure the book will be amazing! And I pray your dad gets better. Love from me author! You write amazing ❤️


@VioletSample Because of some personal issues (Cat #1 passed in May... Dad had a brain bleed the same month... Cat #2 currently acting like Cat #1), I've had some severe writer's block(?)... or just demotivation. However, I'm going to ramp back up... PROMISE!
            Another issue is that I'm making Book #3 just a bit bigger world if you will... so there's been a lot of research. :D


Hi, everyone!
          As I promised, I have been diligently working on Book 3 "Never Ending" to continue on our journey. It's going a little slow (family health issues and death of a pet have really kicked my butt), but I'm feeling confident. :D 
          However, I've also been asked that people would like a spin-off with Jeny & Sejin... and that has occupied my brain for a bit. I'm curious... Would you like that before or after "Never Ending"? Are you interested at all? :)
          Finally, my friend thinks my readers would be interested in my process. I've developed a Patreon account (although I've done very little with it) and considered putting that type of stuff up there for members. Is that something anyone would be interested in? I mean, it could contain a lot of things... like my research... inspiration pictures (typically for outfits)... discussions on writing... maybe even an option for you to weigh in on a decision point that maybe I'm having problems with.
          Right now, I only have a $5 tier, but that seems like a lot. As y'all are the ones I would do this extra stuff for, I want your #1 - input if you'd be interested and #2 - what you would be interested in. Let me know. :)
          I hope y'all are having a fantastic day! Hugs and kisses!


@VioletSample That can be done! ;)


@SaraDanae619 I would rather have the continuation of part 3 never ending before you start on the spinoff


Everyone... I'm so sorry for my late posting... Yesterday was insane... and most of today hasn't been better. This current update is #1 - three chapters... and #2 - the penultimate (just learned that's second to last... LOL!) update for this book. The good news is that soon you'll have a complete book to read... The bad news? Well... The third installment hasn't been as easy to write. I'm working on it now, but it may be a little bit before I start posting it as I want to have it all done so regular postings can be done. I hope you'll be patient with me and... if I think of any one offs... I'll post them for you. ;)


@Crazydoglady47 Thank you so much! This is my last installment for this book... as it's quite long already. I try my hardest to have them be fairly complete with each one... like if I stopped after "Never Surrender" is done, would the story be truly incomplete? But I'm working on the next installment... and then had an idea for a fourth one just the other day. I'm telling you... it feels never ending... :D


@SaraDanae619 I discovered your books, this week. And binge read them both. I don't usually read ongoing stories. As Im not patient enough. Thank goodness I found these with only a couple of weeks till the b's of this book. I really enjoyed this story. I am excited to read the updates. You're very good at story structure, progress etc. I look forward to future stories xxx