
@DragonRider Thank you. Your positive feedback means a lot to me. I've actually just published Poseidon's Academy as a book and I've been sick with anxiety thinking people won't like it, so your comments have been really reassuring that my dreams of a writing career are still attainable, haha. 
          I completely understand what you mean about not finding time to write--it's hard when you have a job/uni and everything else on in your life. I recently listened to a writing podcast and they said even if you can only find 10 minutes a day to write, that's better than nothing. I just checked out your profile--I didn't realise you'd already written some stuff. I'll have to check them out. 
          I first learnt about the Percy Jackson books when I saw a trailer for the movie many years ago. At the time, I'd written the draft for Poseidon's Academy and I think my heart just about stopped, because I thought someone else had beaten me to my book idea. I quickly read the first book and breathed a sigh of relief to see we had very different plots. I really enjoyed it, but I've been hesitant to read the rest of the series because I don't want to be influenced by Rick Riordan's writing/plot. But once I've finished writing the Poseidons Academy series I will definitely be diving into those books because I love, love, love Greek mythology!


@DragonRider thank you so much for your feedback. It means a lot to me! It's terrifying putting your work out there, so it's nice to hear that my work is readable haha. 
          That's so cool you want to be an author. Have you written anything before, short stories? What kind of genre do you think you want to write?