
hi guys! I know its been a while so I hope you all are doing great! Would you guys like it if I started republishing my Draco Malfoy fanfic? Ive slowly fallen back into my Draco Malfoy phase again so I have been editing again. Once again I hope you all are doing well <3


Hi @SarahStars27,
          I just finished reading Mr. Devil, and I was completely drawn into the compelling contrast between your two protagonists. The dynamic between a heartless, feared man and a kind-hearted, food-loving woman was not only intriguing but deeply engaging. Their push-and-pull, their differences, and the way their worlds collide had me hooked from the very start.
          I also loved how you wove themes of anxiety, hurt, and resilience into the story, making it resonate on a deeper emotional level. The journey of these two opposites, and the way they navigate their connection, was nothing short of addictive. It’s no surprise Mr. Devil has ranked so highly in multiple categories—it truly deserves the recognition!
          Your storytelling has immense potential to reach an even wider audience, and if you’re considering publishing opportunities, I’d love to help explore ways to bring Mr. Devil to more readers while preserving your creative vision. You can find more details here:
          Thank you for crafting such an unforgettable and emotionally charged story. I’d love to connect and discuss how we can elevate this book even further.
          Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!


hi guys! I know its been a while so I hope you all are doing great! Would you guys like it if I started republishing my Draco Malfoy fanfic? Ive slowly fallen back into my Draco Malfoy phase again so I have been editing again. Once again I hope you all are doing well <3


To ever say that I am not proud of how far Mr Devil has come would be an honest lie. I don’t think I will ever NOT be proud of how far it’s come. However I don’t think I will ever be proud of the book itself. The book is poorly written and you can EASILY tell that it is written by a middle school girl. Although, like I said, I will never not be proud of how far it’s come. This was the first book that showed me that people actually enjoy my writing and want me to write more; which has led me writing a bunch more books. It’s brought me followers who have stuck by my books since chapter one. It fueled my dream of being an author and for that I will always be happy for. So I’m honor of 2024 and the soon to be four year anniversary to the start of the book I guess I decided to make a little post about it. Even tho I definitely need to rewrite it a part of me wants it to always stay the same, so honestly idk if I’ll ever rewrite it/fix it. Anyway happy almost 4 year anniversary to the book that started it all ! Thank you to everyone who supports my books and writing, you all mean so so so much to me! <3 :))