
Read Shadow Slave... It's peak.
          	I've been so addicted to it. Unknowingly stayed up all night reading chapter after chapter. Realized I've read over 60 chapters without a wink of sleep.


I think, therefore I am.


@Satan_Sama I think, There for I am a SlaveMaster. 


I have no ass and must fart.


@Satan_Sama I think, Therefore I am Horny.


I need a lil help... Lmao.
          There's this school filmmaking assignment I currently have with a group of friends, and we are stuck on wtf to do.
          Obviously I'm the script writer among them... But I'm having trouble on what I should make.
          I have the basics down...
          7 people, each representing one of the seven sins are stuck in a room, not knowing how they got there, or where they even are. They argue and argue and argue amongst themselves and soon come to a realization that they are in hell.
          Basically a parody of "No Exit" by Jean-Paul Sartre.
          Since it's a parody, obviously the point of this short film is to show that "Hell is other people" 
          buuuuuut I'm having difficulty on how the story should flow.
          I know the start and end, but not the middle part. How they should react, how they should argue amongst each other, the beef they have against each other, what they should remember before they got here, what they shouldn't remember, how they get to the conclusion they're dead, etc.
          The deadline is in 3 months, so still a lot of time to think about it.
          Pleeeeeaaaaaaaaase help me come up with at least a tiny thing so I can spring from it and extend the story a bit. An idea on how they should figure out they're in hell, an idea on how they start to argue, an idea on how the characters act... Any small idea is good enough for me to start brainstorming... Because I'm not gonna lie... I'm drawing a blank here.
          I lose all motivation if I'm writing something I'm sorta forced to write.
          Also, I'm obviously gonna be acting as the Sin of Pride hehe...


@Satan_Sama I think they should remember only their sins, but not that they are sins. That is to say, for example, Wrath "knows" that their name is wrath, they know what wrath means, but not that it is a sin. And it'll be their interactions that show why exactly Wrath is a sin. And through these actions they will remember memories that reflect their understandings of their sin. Something like that.


@Satan_Sama I think "Wrath" should be the one to kinda figure out the situation, or at least part of it. 
            Think about it, out of all the sins, wrath is the one who focuses more on the "bad" of others.
            Pride just thinks they're better than everyone else no matter what.
            Gluttony just wants food.
            Greed wants more money, power, etc.
            Sloth is Zzzzz.
            Lust just wants to GET IT ON.
            Envy is well, envious.
            For me at least, almost all of these sins just focuses on themselves, (except for envy, but let's be real, who wants to have these guy's personalities, and envy is pretty mid). So yeah, here is how it would go. Wrath gets pissed because of how annoying everyone is. He points out these bad traits. Maybe someone else figures out this whole ordeal. And then yada yada they find out their in hell and boom. There's my idea if you want.
            Also i think they should keep their memories, sure is gonna extra tiring, but these memories could give them more ground on why they're like that.


@Satan_Sama I’d start off by figuring out the personalities and backgrounds of each character, for instance who is  ‘Wrath’ and why is he there.
             From that point build off of who they each are and how the talk and act, for instance is ‘Sloth’ lazy because they doesn’t do anything for others or are they some how ‘Sloth’ be they didn’t act when they should have, like to save someone’s life but they did nothing and the person died.
             Basically build up each character individually and from there you can basically put yourself in the shoes of each character and already know how they react based on their character.
             Side note, have the costume design for each character correlate with their backstory, like ‘Wrath’ could be dressed as a joke and his whole reason for being there is killing his girlfriend before getting into a car accident and dying. Blood drops on his sleeve in the afterlife show he killed someone and that he has blood on his hands.
             Other than the that, I hope you do great and don’t stress too much on this, have fun while staying focused on the goals of the film you wanna achieve.




@average_cringe_kid never say those accursed brainrot words again


this message may be offensive
@Satan_Sama flying hawk Tuah they said- *evil fent laugh* It is the year 2025, and we have still not seen  hoverboards, flying cars, or time travel, but what we do see is this useless fucking car helicopter hybrid lovechild which serves absolutely no purpose. If it were Elon Musk creating this, all you fanboys would be ejaculating in your pants and celebrating the beginning of the rapture. XIAO HONG SHUUUUU!!!


@average_cringe_kid man, I just saw that meme recently too X~X can't stop the brainrot XD 


How does one make a fic with an annoying, memer, hyperactive, obnoxious MC bearable?
          Easy, Buddy Cop system.
          Lot of authors leave the annoying MC unchained. Left to blabber on and on with no pallet cleanser. That's why it gets boring real fast. Like, can someone shut this guy up?
          Which is why it's good to have person (presumably an existing character in the fandom you chose) be there to balance the annoyingness with seriousness.
          It can also work with brooding, sad boy MC's. Give the man a happy-go-lucky, Golden Retriever character who sticks to the overused Abused MC.


@Satan_Sama An Example of the Happy Go Lucky and Sad Brooding characters, Uzi and N


Rewatching Arcane cuz my dad FINALLY decided to watch season 2.
          He actually watched season 1 before I did. I think he recommended me Arcane... And then I didn't watch it until years later, when season 2 was announced.
          Anyway, he knows the lore better than me cuz apparently he played League before (Warwick main)
          I'm surprised he still knows the characters, even ones that weren't officially named in Arcane. Like Leblanc and Oriana.


@Satan_Sama question how old is your dad


I wish the system in level up fanfictions have an actual personality.
          It's boring seeing the same robotic, and serious system over and over again. I get it's supposed to be JUST an AI system that announces stuff... But you could at least give it's some personality... And no, at this point, sassy isn't a personality.
          Copy paste system fr...
          Make it lovable, make it mortal.


@Pink_Jester imagine... New waifu unlocked⁉️⁉️⁉️