Good afternoon or morning, wherever you may be! I know I have been on hiatus for a while and I deeply apologize to everyone who has followed my stories and waited for an update that has yet to come. I am here to announce that I am back and found a new determination to finish my stories! I have a few to write for and just wanted to let you all know that I see you and I appreciate every last one of you for all of your love and support!! You are all the reason I have been so determined to return. Now with that being said, there will be slow updates. I have to reread my own material and jump back into my stories to rekindle the fire that happens when words fly off of my fingers and into these stories. I absolutely love and adore all of your comments and I read every single one of them! Please feel free to message me at any time for any reason at all. I’m open to new ideas for my stories and I’m always here to listen. I know my stories tend to be on the darker side of the world at times, but please know I do love the light as well. And the light will shine upon these stories at one point or another! Thank you so much and I look forward to hearing your feedback! *Stories I will be updating: Too Many Masks As The Waves Crash Down (Paul Lahote) Fox River’s Female Inmate (Prison Break)*

@Martaaaaalp thank you for your continued support! You readers have really inspired me!