
AWE:3 I love you all too:) !


You know what, I've just been reading your profile and I think I've found my twin! I love asdf movies and I love llamas. I love food and have a temper. Harry Potter is my life and I love pretty much anything mythical! You are just like me! Anyway, thanks for following- I followed back! :)


Oh, My, Goodness... Your like my identical twin cause I some how ran into your profile and thought wow... She is just like me.  I am as well against bully and racism because I am half Filipino and have experienced both... I also have been reading Anna Snape and I love it. I also will probably be reading book two so please keep updating! And guess what? I HUGED a Llama yesterday at a festival...and it let me for like two minutes then the man told me I had to let go of it... but it was AWESOME it had blue eyes it was so pretty anyways thanks for following me back:)