New OC idea! This time inspired by the Castlevania series
Name: Vlad Baron Belmont
Parents: Maryland Belmont, Adrian Tepes (Alucard)
Age: 15-16
Description: Vlad was given all of the Vampire traits his father had, and all of the abilities of the Belmont clan, theoretically making him the most powerful being to ever live. However, the magical abilities that have been passed down the line for years now, still lay dormant within him. However, he is fiercely capable with the legendary whip, the Vampire Killer, passed down from generation to generation. He even is able to move it with his mind, the same way Alucard is able to move his sword with his. He also more naturally resistant to physical, mental and magical attacks due to his bloodline. He is able to fly (though not as graceful as his father). His clothing is pretty basic, just imagine what a typical teenager would wear. However, his tunic, dedicated to the clothing worn by the Belmonts of the past, is near pure white, with the Belmont crest etched into the back of it in black.
Any questions about this character, ask below and I'll answer to the best of my ability.