"You Only Live Once"
Push your care, push your burdens aside
Erase everything inside and leave just one thing on your mind.
You only live once so just go fucking nuts!
Live life hard
Live life hard
You only get one shot
So shoot!
With every breath you take you're dying
With every step we take we're falling apart
If we only had one chance we'd breathe
Let's take the chance right now and scream
You only live one life
For a very short time
So make every second divine
Live life hard
Live life hard
Are you still breathing?
It's your heart that's beating inside
That keeps us alive
And for the very first time
We're pushing aside to surrender
Everything that I see in my eyes
Except for the one thing on my mind
That I am alive
For the very first time!
For the first time
Pushing worry aside
For the first time
Pushing worry aside
Erase everything inside
Erase everything inside
Erase everything inside and leave just one thing
You only get one shot!
You only live once so just go fucking nuts
You only live once so just go fucking nuts
You only live once, go fucking nuts
You only live once so just go fucking nuts
Live life hard
Live life hard
Live life hard
Live life hard
- Villahermosa,Tabasco. Mexico
- انضمOctober 9, 2014
قم بالتسجيل كي تنضم إلى أكبر مجتمع لرواية القصص
قصص بقلم silencedemons
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