Gay. Bisexual.Transgender. Asexual. Lesbian. Pan-sexual. Whatever You Identify As. +
What people don't comprehend is that we did not ask to be this way nor chose to be this way. Why would we want to be hated on? We are who we are. We grew up in a society that says that being anything other than what the bible says or what they say is bad. I'm not going to turn this into religious matters, but we should accept everyone. Just because you grew up thinking being this way is wrong, doesn't truly mean it is wrong. No one will ever truly know who wrote the bible nor where it actually came from in the first place, but that is has been here for a long time. The LGBTQ+ people are a minority group, but we deserve respect and the same rights as anyone else. Everyone has their own beliefs, but don't push you're belief on other people. Love is Love. It is okay for boy to love a boy. A girl to love a girl. A person to not have any romantic love towards anyone. It is okay for a person to love both genders. It is okay for a boy to love a girl and a girl to love a boy. It is okay for everyone to love anyone. It is okay. Don't let anyone tell you different. Be different. Be you. Be proud. Come Together. Love.
  • Đã tham giaMay 11, 2015

Tin nhắn Cuối cùng
SkymoPotatoe7 SkymoPotatoe7 Apr 22, 2016 10:28PM
So I wanna do a new book, because I took off the other. But I would like to do this book with someone else. Any ideas? 
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