
Hey everyone! It’s been a while. 6 months! Alhough I’ve been away, I want to thank you for still coming back and re-reading my stories, for the new followers (hi!) and a big thank you to those who have added my stories to their reading lists over the past few months. I really appreciate it! I’ve been really busy and also taken the time out to create in other ways, but as winter rolls around I tend to want to be cozy and wrapped up warm and that’s when I have the urge to write again. Some of you have asked and messaged me asking if I’m going to continue with Summer of ’64. To be honest, I got into a slump with this one (first time that’s ever happened) and I found myself unable to write the rest because I didn’t believe in where I initially wanted to take the story. It needs some work and tweaks, so for now it’s on the back burner. I don’t know if I’ll go back to it, but it would be a real shame to abandon a story. I may reread through it again, revisit my notes and continue with it. 

          	After reading Alan’s book and highlighting the sh!t out of it…*sigh* (It was everything) I also have this massive urge to continue writing him, whether it be one shots or a new story, something Christmassy…cozy…I miss writing Alan. Perhaps I should start up a one shot book just to pick things up a little again. 

          	Please drop a little note and say hi if you’re interested <3


@Slyther394 going to see an update. Miss you and your work ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


@Always_Snivellus *cries* That's amazing. Unfortunately not yet, but they live in my head daily and there will be at some point. Life gets in the way sometimes, either that or work, or tiredness!


@quillandinkpot Thank you so so much! That's amazing to hear. I'm so happy to hear you enjoyed them both!


Hey! I’m loving all your work. I’ve done a few myself and if you wanted to potentially work on any projects together I’d be so so happy to. My style always needs work and I love yours so much too. Even if we just share ideas I’d be so down. 


I just read Mr Americano and OH MY GOD, I read the whole two books in a day. Like I was hooked! I need you to make some more Alan inspired books!! I can’t comprehend how AMAZING your writing skills are, I’ve never been so engrossed in a book before EVER! I’m begging you to write someone more!! Xx


Hi! I read Mr. Americano and Mr. Rickman in a day, I couldn't stop! I even recommended it to my friend, she has already started reading too) as a big fan of Rickman, I would like to ask permission to translate Mr. Americano, and then Mr. Rickman into Russian, I plan to put the translation on ficbook) my friend will help me in translating, her original Harry Potter fan fiction is very popular in Russian-speaking countries. 
          I don't really understand wattpad, so I'm writing to you here. sorry!


@Slyther394 Hello again! I wrote a few months ago and wanted to ask permission to translate your work into Russian, indicating you as the author, of course. I really liked your work Mr. Americano and Mr.Rickman. 
            Can I translate your work? If it is convenient for you, write to me, we can discuss all the details:)
             thank you very much! 


@Slyther394 hello! Do you remember about me?)) My friend and I still want to translate your fanfics. Actually almost all of them, but we wanted to start from the Mr. Americano 


@Djamma15 Hey ❤️Thanks so much for your message. I'm on holiday currently, but I'll get back to you real soon! 


Hey there :)
          I've stumbled over your stories just recently and now i can't stop reading. Wonderful work! Thank you for those little escapes you create when my life is awfully busy at the moment leaving me with zero time to write.
          Please keep up with what you do. So incredibly talented!


Hey Girl!!!!!
          It might be a Lil wierd of you to get this message.
          I actually came across wattapad in reddit thru a different fanfic of Alan n dan I found you. Girl I love your writing and it's been such a treat reading your work and trust me when I said it made me feel things all different kinds at the same time , which i will admit I always had for Alan whenever I saw him on screen.
          Keep writing beautiful things as you do ... You have got a fan in me for the beautiful words you pen with your thoughts and bring it to shape for making it a pleasure to read. I will be truthful and say I have never enjoyed fanfics but your words and precision on delivering them changed my views and I have thoroughly enjoyed it .
          Looking forward to more of your work on the darling human Alan and of course anything else.


Hey everyone! It’s been a while. 6 months! Alhough I’ve been away, I want to thank you for still coming back and re-reading my stories, for the new followers (hi!) and a big thank you to those who have added my stories to their reading lists over the past few months. I really appreciate it! I’ve been really busy and also taken the time out to create in other ways, but as winter rolls around I tend to want to be cozy and wrapped up warm and that’s when I have the urge to write again. Some of you have asked and messaged me asking if I’m going to continue with Summer of ’64. To be honest, I got into a slump with this one (first time that’s ever happened) and I found myself unable to write the rest because I didn’t believe in where I initially wanted to take the story. It needs some work and tweaks, so for now it’s on the back burner. I don’t know if I’ll go back to it, but it would be a real shame to abandon a story. I may reread through it again, revisit my notes and continue with it. 

          After reading Alan’s book and highlighting the sh!t out of it…*sigh* (It was everything) I also have this massive urge to continue writing him, whether it be one shots or a new story, something Christmassy…cozy…I miss writing Alan. Perhaps I should start up a one shot book just to pick things up a little again. 

          Please drop a little note and say hi if you’re interested <3


@Slyther394 going to see an update. Miss you and your work ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


@Always_Snivellus *cries* That's amazing. Unfortunately not yet, but they live in my head daily and there will be at some point. Life gets in the way sometimes, either that or work, or tiredness!


@quillandinkpot Thank you so so much! That's amazing to hear. I'm so happy to hear you enjoyed them both!