Slowly dying but still surviving
Hey guys it's me...
I'm sorry I haven't been doing anything since my Brithday. I've been going though alot of personal issues and everyday there's that voice in the back of my head telling me to stop and delete everything I worked so hard on. I haven't been on Wattpad in a long time because I was afraid I'd delete something. It consumed me a bit to much when I came on to try and write something and I ended up taking off and deleteing The Kingdom. I was devastated the frist chapter of The Kingdom was my longest and I was still working on it. Plus with stress of school, the fact I've started my own comic, personal problems, and having a personal life. It's a bit to much for me. With my books on here is bite off more than I could chew. I'll try to do something but sometimes I can't deal with the voices...
I'm sorry