
It's an Oc guys dont get confused இ-இ


Hi there Author-san! Please don't forget about your other account where you haven't update Black Petunia, because my sis kinda told me about it and I'm interested to the book while reading in her acc. So please update, though I'm not gonna push you since It's your decision.


Hey guys! Update on Chubby Bunny. 
          I won't be able to make a new chapter due to having an incoming exam on the way. But don't worry, I might end up making two chapters for you guys as an apology for not making a chapter for now. ‍♀️‍♀️


Goodluck to me TvT I'm to dumb yet I survive school(hell)


Heyyy sorry for not updating you guys for the past three days i guess, your Author here got sick all of the sudden. 
          But dont worry im feeling quite better now, just need to get some more rest then im ready to continue the story. 
          Hopefully in the next day I'll be uploading another story for you guys
          Stay safe and health and dont get sick like mee╯﹏╰