
Ivelle’s head snapped up. 
          	Eirifold—Eirifold was still alive? 
          	How could that be?
          	Perhaps he hadn’t ingested enough of the poison to die. Perhaps he had suspected something and curbed his appetite… or perhaps Lillian had made a mistake.
          	A brand new chapter of How to Poison Your Husband is here!


Ivelle’s head snapped up. 
          Eirifold—Eirifold was still alive? 
          How could that be?
          Perhaps he hadn’t ingested enough of the poison to die. Perhaps he had suspected something and curbed his appetite… or perhaps Lillian had made a mistake.
          A brand new chapter of How to Poison Your Husband is here!


Ivelle watched, frozen with shock, as guards poured in from all corners of the room. They dragged Prince Harvald’s face from the tureen, scattering lamb and carrots across the soupy floor. The prince’s body twitched horribly, and his lips were rapidly turning an ugly shade of blue. Boils erupted over his skin, streaking his suit with blood as they burst and oozed.
          Well friends, it's finally happening! Someone in this story is actually getting poisoned! Possibly multiple someones!
          You might also have noticed the cover got a bit of a glow-up. I wanted something a bit lighter and funner than what I had previously. 


Feeling queasy, Kat glanced down at the black marks that had recently erupted on her forearm. They didn't hurt, and they weren’t oozing pus. If anything, they looked like a drunk man had tried to tattoo several penguins on her forearm, but had, midway through, forgotten what penguins looked like, and the fact that they had eyes.
          Um, yes. I have decided to try writing another ONC. It is technically set in the same world as How to Poison Your Husband, but reading HTPYH is not necessary for understanding the events in the story. And it promises to be even more of a chaos factory than How to Poison Your Husband, although for rather different reasons. I haven't forgotten that I still need to post the remaining chapters of HTPYH either, so stay tuned for those!


She would stay. Just a little longer. Just long enough to finish this stupid jesterly performance and get Ash back to health. 
          Then she would be gone.
          It's been a loooooong wait, but the latest chapter of How to Poison Your Husband is here! Complete with lots of angst, a wedding, and more doggy shenanigans. It took me half a year, but I finally finished drafting the rest of the story, including an ending. It ended up coming up to a whopping 73k, so it's probably a good thing I didn't try to finish the darned thing in time for the ONC :) :)


Hi Sophoe... I've been engrossed for the past couple of days in your book, The Rest is Riddles. I was so torn when it abruptly ended in the first chapter of book three. If I may ask, why did you stop? 
          Please, is there any chance of you continuing with book three. I really want to see where the story takes Nikolay and Jane. 


@ardiame Thank you so much for your kind message! Your message was actually one of the things that encouraged me to revisit the draft I had for this story and get back into working on it this month ❤️ 


Hey Sophie! I was on a trip of rereading my old Wattpad favs and I realized that Wings was such an important part of that list. I miss it so much! I tried to search for your CMF profile and got scared that the book had disappeared. But I'm happy to see that you're doing so well. 
          On another note, would you be willing to help me with my academic research survey? I need diverse opinions across different nationalities, gender identities, and sexual orientations to help the Indian Queer community on Wattpad! Or if you know anyone who might be interested in helping, that would be great as well. 
          It'll only take 5-7 minutes to complete the survey. Your responses are completely confidential and your consent is very important.


In a few days, I will be changing my Wattpad username to Sophie Kestrel, which will be my new pseudonym going forward! So if you see me posting under this name, don't be confused -- it's still me. I think this new username better captures the fun and whimsical fantasy stories I want to write, and it's less staid and boring than my old username, which was beginning to feel a bit dull. Plus, kestrels are cute but fierce, and Sophie is the name of the protagonist of one of my favorite YA fantasy stories. Can you guess which one?


@CMF_Wright Thanks for letting us know! Take Care!


"Furlock... I suppose I should call him Saffron if that's his real name... brought the flier to me. He also spent an afternoon using sticks to spell out the words 'IVELLE IS EVIL' on my carpet. I had an inkling, when I saw his message, that he might not be a normal dog."
          The next chapter of How To Poison Your Husband is here! I renumbered all my chapters, so Step 7a is indeed the newest one.