People,taking their time to read this.First off my name is confusing to say so just call me Izzy.Second I LOVE  anime n Manga.I read Manga more than I watch anime.

FAV.Manga:Black Cat,Black Haze,Soul Eater Blue Exorcist and Fairy tail.There is more but I don't feel like writing them down plus I bet u people never hear of them.
SO my cousins are on here.@Kingdomtail So yea she got me into RP.Plus ill try to write stories but No promises)
pp- Aki
Bg - Hiro

@Flame_King_Igneel - Igneel,Yea he's pretty cool- Hiro
@Yumetail Kotaro-sensei ~Aki. My best friend and partner~Dr.Neku
@SweetBloodyAshes -Tetra-Sensei 0///0~Hiro
@Patorishiia- Flare,my little sis -Hiro A helpful friend -Aki The only student that likes my experiments-Dr.Neku
@-Liz_Thompson- Crystal-Onee-Chan ~Hiro
  • انضمNovember 9, 2014

الرسالة الأخيرة

قصص بقلم Izzy,Hiro,Aki and Dr.Neku
Flames of a Bloody Angel بقلم Soul_Exorcist
Flames of a Bloody Angel
Our past,I remember like it was yesterday.14years ago was before I obtain the name,Hiroshiki,My name was just...
Fairy and Darkness بقلم Soul_Exorcist
Fairy and Darkness
Do fairies have tails?Are all demons evil?What does a sliver belt have to deal with this?
3 قوائم قراءة