Guten Morgen!
(mir ist die Uhrzeit wohl bewusst)
Ich melde mich mal wieder und... Joa.
Life's is little rough lately, but incredibly boring.
Ppl ask me if I like Homeschooling or lessons in school more, honestly, I hate both :)
My brother just got his CI soundprocessor, and I enjoy (in a positive way) how he slowly learns the way of hearing, the way how I am hearing since I was barely two years old. He's impatient, it's amusing in a positive way how impatient he is about that. At the moment, he can't really hear anything than Rauschen, because his brain is very confused what's going on in his ear. Vielleicht nicht impatient, vielleicht würde ehrgeizig mehr passen. Wie er all die Leute trifft die ich schon kenne, die mir alle ein bißchen geholfen haben so zu hören wie ich heute kann. You have to know, not much ppl who have hearing aids like me (I prefer my self invented term Tech-ears) are able to hear as good as me. I don't want to point myself out as "better than the others", no, they're all doing their best they can, and they're incredible good. And I am so proud of them.
I am completely deaf. Like really deaf.
And I hear (probably) like a normal hearing human. With this tech today, it's possible.
I am proud to have this surgery scars behind my ears and proud to wear this Tech-ears which make my life incredibly better.
I can go to a normal school, I don't need sign language (but I still want to learn it)
Ppl erzählen mir, wenn man meine CI's nicht sehen würde, würde man denken man redet mit einen normal hörenden Menschen.
I would appreciate if you check out the next announcement, sadly they made a sign limit.