
Like a flickering blaze 
          	You spark a flame in me 
          	Arousing emotions
          	So warm, so heavenly 
          	- ANICLE X GINORITO (coming soon...)
          	- A Beautiful Thing


          Bloody hands and a wounded wrist, caused by the person I trusted once again. 
          Hurried footsteps, heart pounding out of my chest, I run out of breath trying to escape from Anicle and his friends amidst the eerie emptiness of the school corridors. I hold onto my wrist to stop the blood from flowing as I make my way to the taps. 
          I look behind me and the only thing I notice is the trail of blood that follows me...
          - Chapter 01 (Out Now)
          - A Beautiful Thing


It's here...
          'You never rejected a pencil war request
          'Yeah, that was before you cut my wrist
          and let me bleed.'
          All hell has broken loose and one of its
          demons has lost it's lease. 
          Ginorito is finally in the position he
          always wanted to be in. As a
          dedicated student, what more could he ask for, he is close friends to reliable
          pupils, he recently scored the best
          academic results in his class and was
          elected RCL in his class for the year. All is
          well for him until someone from his past
          comes back...


A moment of silence is experienced between us. In these few seconds my mind begins to think of the infinite possibilities that could happen after his response. Whatever he says might make me feel way worse than I'm already feeling...
          - Unbreaky my heart
          - Summertime Vibes 


'I can't fathom how I ended up here or why I am here. All I can sence is my depression resurfacing. My gaze drifts up to the night sky. The sky is full of stars yet my soul feels empty. I yearn for someone who could fill my heart with boundless love.'
          - Flames
          - Anicle Goliath