
this message may be offensive
So hey guys. I'm writing a new book called Letters to Alli. This is gonna be a really great one, but I want to warn you that it is based on a really serious concept. It's not gonna have the humor or cussing my stories usually have. This is based on real events in my life, and the book may seem slightly depressing. However, I encourage you to read it. It has an incredible moral, and may mean something to you. Luvs you all! Even though I only have 6 followers. And probably none of you will read this, but It's cool. I talk to myself anyway. Ps. I have fucking issues. 


this message may be offensive
So hey guys. I'm writing a new book called Letters to Alli. This is gonna be a really great one, but I want to warn you that it is based on a really serious concept. It's not gonna have the humor or cussing my stories usually have. This is based on real events in my life, and the book may seem slightly depressing. However, I encourage you to read it. It has an incredible moral, and may mean something to you. Luvs you all! Even though I only have 6 followers. And probably none of you will read this, but It's cool. I talk to myself anyway. Ps. I have fucking issues. 


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So hey. I decided to write a 5sos imagine and preference book. I've been addicted to imagines lately, so I thought, aww what the hell? So I did. It probably sucks, but if ur into that kinda shit, u should check it out. Oh yeah, and i will be taking requests.(NO SMUTS!!!!!) 


I have explaining for the Long chapter!!!!!! Chapter one in Misfits ended up SUPER long!!! I got weirded out with the app, and wrote the first three chapters on chapter one. However, I'm no rewriting it, so just blow this one off. It won't happen again.