
Omg y’all we just hit 3k on “After School Hours”!!! 
          	Btw I did a lil experiment where I marked my explicit chapters as (R) to see if more people would read those and guess what? I was right those chapters had more reads than any of the other ones 


Omg y’all we just hit 3k on “After School Hours”!!! 
          Btw I did a lil experiment where I marked my explicit chapters as (R) to see if more people would read those and guess what? I was right those chapters had more reads than any of the other ones 


HEY! ❤️ so In my last chapter of After School Hours something happened right (wink wink) but I wanna make it even cuter so if you’ve already read it… no you haven’t it was a hallucination (yes I’m gaslighting you). I’ll update the next chapter hopefully sometimes this week! I got super inspired so expect fluff in the next scenes❤️


I’m not sure how many will see this but: should I pick up Sharing is Caring? I discontinued it 2 years ago but people are still reading it and stuff  please lmk if you think I should. If people would like me to, I have no problem with it whatever makes y’all happy luvs❤️


Hey y’all 
          I’ve been really Idek what lately like my body and mind are just really exhausted rn 
          I’ll try and get the new chapter of After School Hours out for you as soon as possible
           Stay safe, stay hydrated, and remember to eat luvs!


So a lotta people may not see this but I wanted to let y'all know in case you didnt know... I discontinued my first story because i've matured and when I go back to read that story I cringe soooo many times. I'm sorry for the few people who actually enjoyed it but I may or may not be trying to write another story. I just dont wanna dissapoint anyone


OKAY MA FISHIES. CAN I JUST ANNOUNCE THAT THE TEARS FLOWING DOWN MY SELENA GOMEZ LOOKIN FACE ARE REAL??? We just hit 2k fishies *sob* I promise on my Gay Narwhal Carl, that I never really thought my book would hit it off. But it did *sob* thank you ALL.