
Bio has been updated! Account has been accessed after...what...12 years of inactivity??? If you're still active, thank you so much for sticking around. Be sure to vote and follow. I'll be updating, but...when is to be determined. 
          	Help me determine an age limit for these stories? I want "It's Just The Beginning" to chill you to the bone and I want "Careful I Bite" to be a kinky, love-triangle. Maybe young adult thriller for the former and 18+  love story for the latter? Thoughts, feelings, comments???


Bio has been updated! Account has been accessed after...what...12 years of inactivity??? If you're still active, thank you so much for sticking around. Be sure to vote and follow. I'll be updating, but...when is to be determined. 
          Help me determine an age limit for these stories? I want "It's Just The Beginning" to chill you to the bone and I want "Careful I Bite" to be a kinky, love-triangle. Maybe young adult thriller for the former and 18+  love story for the latter? Thoughts, feelings, comments???


Hey!! As you can see changes have been made!! But I will be improving older and making new stories. Sadly, the mysteriousness of the slendy story will fade due to having other happier stories up and not being like the MarbleHornets series which was the original goal. This series will continue to be updated. Hope you can understand!!


Hey guys. Sorry for not writing or posting especially after deleting my stories. I will, however be writing as much as my fingers, heart, and mind can take this summer. Posting stories from now on will be a summer thing and over the weekend (if I can). I am making no promises. I will try my best to write longer. If you guys have any suggestions be sure to contact and tell me! As pewds says stay awesome bros