-whistling- oh, hey, didn't see you there, welcome to my lavish abode -gestures to the vast emptyness-... Well, maybe not as lavish as I would like, but still... Okay fine, it's an alternate dimension where I am God... Waiiiit a second -points down, floor appears- there we go, now I have a leg to stand on... Was that even a pun? Well I don't know, kind of like how I don't know why I'm writing this other than because "why not?!" Well, may as 'well' -muffled giggles- get to know each other
I am a menace to all who drive as I have a drivers permit... Scary, I know, and I haven't had wifi for almost three months -sobs- but aaaaanyway, here are some books you should read:
Threads by ELatimer
Basically anything by skyhuntress or however you spell that
The black dawn I think it's called by 1mr.grey
Everything by Serena Daniels and dragons rose
Sally slater... 'Nuff said
And if you have Kindle unlimited or don't mind switching sites (as I believe it's not on here) read slime dungeon... It's f****** amazing
Ummm yup... Thaaaaats all folks!
  • Trust me, -shudders- You dont want to know
  • JoinedFebruary 6, 2015

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StephenV2 StephenV2 Sep 17, 2015 01:41AM
If I ever don't update for more than a month you have my permission to spam update here, not the books, here
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