Hi, just love to read books!

I am a business student. I'm bored and i'm boring the hell out of my professors. I'm in my 4th year in college. And i just turned 18. I'm standing 6'1. I'm a no ordinary guy.

I am friendly at times, it depends on my mood. Definitely moody. Sporty and a nerd combined. Not a writer neither a singer nor a dancer. But i'm an artist. I love to paint. I love to take photographs. I love to make short films.

One of my favorite fictional characters is Number 8 and FAITH from ate Pajamaaddict's Hope, Faith and Love.

And yes i'm a guy, and yes again i am STRAIGHT.

Thanks for spending 3 minutes of your time reading my description. xxx
  • EvenSuperheroesNeedSavingHands
  • BergabungDecember 18, 2011

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