
Alright, So, reading my books I have not a damn clue what the plot or where I was going with them. I have decided I will continue them but I will solemnly focus on one book at a time. While working on that book I will unpublish it and republish one chapter at a time. While Unpublished I will be fixing the chapters up. That could be adding more detail, fixing grammar, removing stuff amongst other things. They may or may not have the same contents. I haven’t decided which book it’ll be yet though. The other book will remain published until I move to that one after finishing the first.


Alright, So, reading my books I have not a damn clue what the plot or where I was going with them. I have decided I will continue them but I will solemnly focus on one book at a time. While working on that book I will unpublish it and republish one chapter at a time. While Unpublished I will be fixing the chapters up. That could be adding more detail, fixing grammar, removing stuff amongst other things. They may or may not have the same contents. I haven’t decided which book it’ll be yet though. The other book will remain published until I move to that one after finishing the first.


I swear, y’all comments make me wanna update more, I thought this book sucked Booty on a hot summer day, I’ll be more focused on the book since I have disabled all social media’s besides this 


Nah, It's really good. @klondyke_bar69  


@klondyke_bar69  better be or imma be at yo doorstep ask @jaybabeh001