Asia Williams
<- if you never break, you'll never know how to put yourself back together>
Listen, I have no idea what I am doing with this writing business, and I don't know where I'm going with it.
I write what I feel, I feel what I write ya know?
Only sixteen so what I write isn't great but in time I'll learn.
- Long Island
- IscrittoAugust 5, 2014
Iscriviti ed entra a fare parte della più grande comunità di narrativa al mondo
Storie di Asia Simone
- 2 storie pubblicate

August Cold
Dear Odd,
Soon she will be nothing but a memory and the pain will be long forgotten. See, I believ...
2 Elenchi di lettura
- Elenco di lettura
- 9 storie
- Elenco di lettura
- 2 storie