Hi everyone I know it has been a very long while since I have been on here.
          	I will have several books in the works, but with school they may take a little bit of time. I will try to work on them consistently.
          	So I have:
          	A Spider-Man fanfiction
          	A resident evil fanfiction
          	A Fallout fanfiction
          	Thank you all


Hi everyone I know it has been a very long while since I have been on here.
          I will have several books in the works, but with school they may take a little bit of time. I will try to work on them consistently.
          So I have:
          A Spider-Man fanfiction
          A resident evil fanfiction
          A Fallout fanfiction
          Thank you all


Hope you all had a chance to go out and vote.
          Trump train
          If you disagree that is fine as long as you respect my opinion I will respect your's.


@lailynnewcomb (you serious about that or is it RP?)


Why is it that everyone who hurt me gets to be happy? Why is it no matter how much I try to make others happy I always wind up with tears in my eyes at midnight, wondering if tomorrow is even worth living for?... Why can't I just be happy... Just for 1 day... Is that too much to ask for?


"Thanks for the follow, Mister J."


-smiles- that sounds nice.


@-quinsaneHarley_- I was thinking something simple like -sits down close to you, we are hip to hip, and I put my arm around you- just pizza and see resident evil with my Harley


Any big plans tonight?


okay so I was playing Grand Theft Auto San Andreas, and I took a break because I couldn't manage to complete the mission wrong side of the tracks. Today I decide to try that mission again oh, and I completed it first try today


@Batmandude18 that is great, it is a really good game. I have it for PS3, because I don't like buying digital games if I can have the disc. It just saves space on my systems


            That’s awesome. I actually bought that game digital on my PS4 Pro 