Hello dear readers, how's it going?
Anyway, Just wanted to announce I've released a teaser chapter for my Original book The Kingdom of Taman Mawar: Azrial's Promise, the book wont be finished until around 2025 but eh, read what you can I guess.
And as for all of you who are reading Odd Vampire and Curiosity Symptoms, I'm sorry to announce but those wont ever be updated again. I'll keep them up to read, but other then that, they wont be finished.
To my TFC readers, TFC will be on Hiatus until April 16th. Why? Because I'm officially announcing that I'm taking a break. I love TFC, don't get me wrong, but until I know how to fill in the many plot wholes that have been caused by my poor mistakes in the past. I will finish TFC hopefully by 2025 or 2026, but until then, it's on hold for now.
Thank you for your patience.
(Platonically) love you guys.
P.s. Keep a eye out for any one-shots I might post.