
Dreamers, you may have noticed that we have deleted our NaNoWriMo event, even though the month of November is almost over. We have just become aware of the controversy that is going on with the organization and could not, in good conscience, continue to support the event, even this late in the game. Thank you for understanding. Please make use of Google to gather information about the events at NaNoWriMo... We will not be discussing it on our profile as we find the issues could be potentially triggering for our followers. If you have been affected by the events, we encourage you to seek help. 


@TeamOfDreams Just reading about this now. :(


Whoa what’s going on?? Damn! I’ve been out of the loop. Will be checking it out. What a shame, I’ve been doing Nano since high school 


Dreamers, you may have noticed that we have deleted our NaNoWriMo event, even though the month of November is almost over. We have just become aware of the controversy that is going on with the organization and could not, in good conscience, continue to support the event, even this late in the game. Thank you for understanding. Please make use of Google to gather information about the events at NaNoWriMo... We will not be discussing it on our profile as we find the issues could be potentially triggering for our followers. If you have been affected by the events, we encourage you to seek help. 


@TeamOfDreams Just reading about this now. :(


Whoa what’s going on?? Damn! I’ve been out of the loop. Will be checking it out. What a shame, I’ve been doing Nano since high school 



Day one of NaNoWriMo has already passed! Wow, we reached November very quickly. How many words were you dreamers able to get down? Have you been able to get a good lead? And what's your plan for today?
          If you haven't already, check out NaNoWriMo Dreams 2023 and meet some awesome people to buddy with for this huge month!


@EkemWrites You've started out with a nice cushion! Keep it going!


@avadel And it's 100% something to be proud about! It's a feat!


Hello Dreamers! It's been many long months since we've posted. We appreciate each and every one of you who has stuck with us as we regrouped. Now, we're ready to return! 
          We want to refocus a bit and really hone in on what you want and need. So, we're back to ask you this: What are some activities and services we might offer you that would be meaningful and engaging?


Dreamer fam... There comes a time in everyone's life when they need to take a moment or two to regroup and revitalize. The admins of Team of Dreams have all hit a time like this simultaneously! Yes, all five of us! Instead of trying to limp along and do a half-ass job for you, we think it best to simply put the profile on hiatus for several months so that each of us can reevaluate our goals and get some rest. We love being a part of Team of Dreams, but want to produce quality content for you; we feel this is the best course of action to fulfill that intention. So, we are officially on vacation beginning April 4th, 2023. We will be occasionally monitoring messages over the next several months and will return to check back in with everyone in early October 2023.


@TeamOfDreams  Have a good break, guys!


@TeamOfDreams Best wishes! See you in the spooky season ;)