
I wanna give a shoutout to @Hells07Dealer7 and her amazing work to get the Mic Drop Masters Awards going for ARMY and BTS fanfic writers! To find out more, please check her profile!


The last month has been insanity for my family and I. Mom seemed to be doing better, but was in the hospital for an infection, not related to the terminal illness, then suddenly had a stroke and died last Wednesday. I feel like I have to bottle everything up because anything I say, Mom’s sisters and brother are  harassing my younger brother. Now I need to figure out if I’m up to going to the memorial on Thursday night and if I’m willing to pick up said uncle and one of the aunts. 
          Needless to say, I’m barely functioning right now. I can’t write.


Things with my family are still insane. My mother is still in bad shape, my father was in a rehab facility and now he's in the hospital. Even though I haven't been physically doing things for my family in the last few weeks, my mental health took a huge hit, which aggravates my physical health. I want to write. But between my physical pain, my meds being adjusted, which leaves me exhausted all the time, and my family, I'm having trouble with inspiration. Today is the anniversary of my grandmother's death, so I'm not in the best mindset. 
          Also, I am trying to recover my laptop because all my documents got deleted! I'm having a great time right now. Something has to give, because writing is one of my best coping mechanisms.


@TempestKPopLuv Hugs! If you ever need to talk, I am here. I have physical and mental issues myself so I know your pain. Remember, you never walk alone.  


So, things with my mom are going back and forth. She got bad enough that oxygen by nasal cannula wasn’t working. They put her on a machine with a full face mask to help her breathe, which, thankfully they took off yesterday. My sister is in town so someone can finally help me with her. My younger brother and father don’t have COVID anymore, so one of my older brothers is going to take him upstate with him. Things are crazy.


I know I still haven’t written. My mother is sick, in the hospital with COVID, but her health was already failing. My father and little brother both have COVID as well and I tried to help them between being with my mom. Everything is hectic. I’m only home today because my mom told me to stay home and rest.


I’m sorry I can’t write right now. I just got a new laptop, but they scrubbed my old one and the antivirus they recommended for the new one won’t install. Basically, I have two laptops that aren’t worth anything right now. So between that, my mom dying and in the hospital, and my father calling me 18 times since 10:30 EST today, I’m losing my mind.


I want to apologize to those who have been reading "Eclipse: Destroyer Book 2." I've realized that in order for me to go forward in the book, I need to go back into "Destroyer" to fix some things up so the time lines match, and edit it again. Until I do, I can't continue "Eclipse." I will do it soon so I can return to writing active stories.