
          	Your name above all names,
          	Your love, Your sacrifice hits me every day
          	That You would love a wretch like me
          	Die on a cross just for me
          	Your back was torn, Your body broken
          	And on that cross the truth was spoken
          	 "It is finished"
          	You took my sin
          	You made me clean, I am forgiven
          	The veil was torn, a new covenant began
          	A relationship with You who stayed while others ran
          	You held me tight, bound up my wounds
          	You wiped away my tears - said "My Father's house has many rooms"
          	You paid the price
          	Yes I am free
          	You spilled Your precious blood to die for Your family
          	Three days later You rolled that stone away
          	Thought You were gone but You are here to stay
          	So who shall I praise apart from my Rock?
          	My Saviour, my Everything
          	My Lord and my God 


          Your name above all names,
          Your love, Your sacrifice hits me every day
          That You would love a wretch like me
          Die on a cross just for me
          Your back was torn, Your body broken
          And on that cross the truth was spoken
           "It is finished"
          You took my sin
          You made me clean, I am forgiven
          The veil was torn, a new covenant began
          A relationship with You who stayed while others ran
          You held me tight, bound up my wounds
          You wiped away my tears - said "My Father's house has many rooms"
          You paid the price
          Yes I am free
          You spilled Your precious blood to die for Your family
          Three days later You rolled that stone away
          Thought You were gone but You are here to stay
          So who shall I praise apart from my Rock?
          My Saviour, my Everything
          My Lord and my God 


I'm going to be honest. I'm not perfect. I fall short every single day. I have awful thoughts that I don't want. I'm not confident, I worry about what other people think of me. Sometimes I doubt God. I find it hard to trust. I was picked on for the whole of my secondary school experience. I was abandoned by my friends. I get intimidated by girls my age. I get envious and jealous. I am critical of my appearance. I used to hate my crooked teeth - but God is teaching me how to love them. A lot of the time I feel lonely. I want friends. I get scared that I will deny or leave God. I worry that I will loose control to sin. 
          I'm not perfect - but God doesn't expect us to be. Jesus is the only One who is perfect. He has no flaws. He never sinned. We can put our trust in Him because He never lies, He is truth. He loves you in your brokenness. He personally carried your sins to the cross. They have been paid for, whatever you may have done. Yes, you are free! You don't have to be perfect to come to Jesus - just come to Him as you are. He loves you, and He will meet you exactly where you are. ❤


@misascribbles Aww, so true, sis!! ❤❤


@TessaSecA1702 Amen ❤️ God created you just the way you are for a reason and he NEVER makes mistakes :)


I'm going to be honest. I'm not perfect. I fall short every single day. I have awful thoughts that I don't want. I'm not confident, I worry about what other people think of me. Sometimes I doubt God. I find it hard to trust. I was picked on for the whole of my secondary school experience. I was abandoned by my friends. I get intimidated by girls my age. I get envious and jealous. I am critical of my appearance. I used to hate my crooked teeth - but God is teaching me how to love them. A lot of the time I feel lonely. I want friends. I get scared that I will deny or leave God. I worry that I will loose control to sin. 
          I'm not perfect - but God doesn't expect us to be. Jesus is the only One who is perfect. He has no flaws. He never sinned. We can put our trust in Him because He never lies, He is truth. He loves you in your brokenness. He personally carried your sins to the cross. They have been paid for, whatever you may have done. Yes, you are free! You don't have to be perfect to come to Jesus - just come to Him as you are. He loves you, and He will meet you exactly where you are. ❤


I brought you some flowers * shy giggles * 
          because you are the sweetest !!!! and you deserve a whoooole lot of kindness !!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️✨


@GodlyPosts Awwwww! Thank you soo much!!!!❤❤❤


Not long ago, I was really worrying about my faith. I was worried that I didn't have 'enough' faith, or faith in Jesus at all. I was trying to force my faith, when God made me realise that He is the pioneer and perfector of our faith. Then, I kid you not, we were driving home and a wagon or van (I can't remember lol) passed by our car. And what word was on the side of it?... PIONEER! God sees you and loves you!! He knows your struggles!! Bring them to Him! He loves you so much!!!!!❤❤❤❤