
I have this story. Yeah, kinda sad but funny, lol
          	So.. me and my ex never get connected again after we decided to break up. i forgot the exact yearbut i thought it's around 2016 or 2017
          	The thing is that we've been together for 10years (since we're in jhs), but our relationship is never been good, but its all disaster, like full of toxicity, that's why I ask to breakup. 
          	Aaand, I don't know why. All of sudden, I have this urge to look for him! Like, I forgot his sosmed username already, but I remember his siblings's 
          	You know what? I found it out! Dude, ahahaha, his already married and has a kid!
          	Like, lol, hahaha
          	Then, I have this kinda feeling, like I'm somehow it's hurt.
          	Can I say it's bittersweet ?
          	I myself don't know how can I have the idea to search him out, lol  
          	Yeah, it's kinda sad, tho. Lil bit.


I have this story. Yeah, kinda sad but funny, lol
          So.. me and my ex never get connected again after we decided to break up. i forgot the exact yearbut i thought it's around 2016 or 2017
          The thing is that we've been together for 10years (since we're in jhs), but our relationship is never been good, but its all disaster, like full of toxicity, that's why I ask to breakup. 
          Aaand, I don't know why. All of sudden, I have this urge to look for him! Like, I forgot his sosmed username already, but I remember his siblings's 
          You know what? I found it out! Dude, ahahaha, his already married and has a kid!
          Like, lol, hahaha
          Then, I have this kinda feeling, like I'm somehow it's hurt.
          Can I say it's bittersweet ?
          I myself don't know how can I have the idea to search him out, lol  
          Yeah, it's kinda sad, tho. Lil bit.


Halo ini author tetew 
          Mohon maaf belum bisa lanjut posting, dikarenakan kondisi kesehatan author yang kurang baik belakangan ini..
          Mohon doa nya ya supaya author tetew bisa sehat terus baik fisiknya & psikisnya, biar bisa up sering-sering, biar bisa beraktifitas dan ngefangirling lagi 
          Semoga kita semuanya diberikan kesehatan dan kebahagiaan selalu‍♀️


Hueee T.T
          Terharu banget anak paud akhirnya comeback after 2yrs hiatus
          Finally menurut aku semuanya cukup adil, porsinya pas buat masing-masing member juga, semoga ga ada war-war aneh di internal blink terutama fans OT1 masing-masing member.
          Seneng ngeliat mereka bareng-bareng lagi, sekarang udah semangat lagi deh...
          Tapi bingung banget gimana lanjutin cerita yang udah dibuat, tapi pingin kelarin apa yang udah dilakuin karena ga suka banget ngelakuin sesuatu setengah-setengah
          Do'ain biar bisa lanjut ya guys *if only there's someone whose read this message, lol*


Hi, author tetew disini 
          Mohon maaf banget ygy beberapa minggu ini belum bisa update dan akan seperti ini sampai bulan September (I need to focus on my rl) 
          Anyway, I don't know how I'm feeling right now.. me as a blink especially lilies, ngeliat keadaan lisa yg sekarang di serang berbagai oknum, di downgrade sama orang-orang sotoy, segala negativity yang terus2an dicreate haters buat dia. Jadi ikut sedih liatnya, kaya kok bisa sih orang-orang segitu jahat sama dia..
          I mean, mbok ya kita jadi fans ya yang normal-normal aja gitu loh.. ya like kalo suka, abaikan kalo ga sreg.. kok ya bisa-bisanya malah nge hate..
          Ya paham sih, tiap Fandom ada yang toxic.. paham tiap Fandom point of view nya beda-beda, tapi please bgt ga usah dikit-dikit adu mekanik et dah, ga capek apa?
          Support bias masing-masing tanpa harus nge hate! Tanpa harus nge drag! Tanpa mendowngrade! Tanpa prasangka buruk!
          Stop hurting each other, jadiin kpop untuk have fun guys... kangen jamannya gen 2 dimana yang keliatan war paling cuma sedikit aja, jadi kpop tuh ya suatu hobby yang menyenangkan, itung-itung buat healing..
          Peace and love for all