
My computer just had a damned stroke and every time I turn it on, all I get is “Alienware” and it doesn’t do anything afterwards. I’ve waited hours and nothing, I let the battery die and nothing, I even turned it off and on multiple times only to have nothing. All I get every time is a black screen with the Alienware logo and the words “Alienware.” It stays like that for however long it wishes. I almost put a hole in the wall, but I realized that since I can’t play R6 or literally anything else, I’m about to just give up on everything entirely. No matter what good things come my way, there’s always a bad thing that happens shortly after.


@The-God-Recruit I use my local smart washer


My computer just had a damned stroke and every time I turn it on, all I get is “Alienware” and it doesn’t do anything afterwards. I’ve waited hours and nothing, I let the battery die and nothing, I even turned it off and on multiple times only to have nothing. All I get every time is a black screen with the Alienware logo and the words “Alienware.” It stays like that for however long it wishes. I almost put a hole in the wall, but I realized that since I can’t play R6 or literally anything else, I’m about to just give up on everything entirely. No matter what good things come my way, there’s always a bad thing that happens shortly after.


@The-God-Recruit I use my local smart washer


For some reason. . . I feel like writing a book on taking care of a kid on Wattpad. Guess my parental instincts kick in at times, and I’m not even a dad. I wonder if I should write that book though. . . like reader and child. Is it a good idea??


What’s going on in my life you (never) wonder? Well, I’m busy with making another story my friend is forcing me to, so my previous one is on hiatus. I’m about to get my license tomorrow and I just realized I’m the only male in my entire battalion that outranks all other males. Anyways, the Love and Battles will be on hiatus as I work on this other story and I have so many ideas for more stories that I could write down. If I wasn’t busy, I’d be doing every single one of them


Bruh, it’s NNN (NoNutNovemebr) and I’m literally losing my mind to this challenge. I have to plank on the toilet because of this and morning wood isn’t helping. But we only got 27 more days left


I was extremely pissed today because I didn’t get any sleep until 5 in the morning and that was only for a good hour. Then I get ready but knowing I’m going to fall asleep in class I ask Mama if she’ll let me stay home. She then says I have a orthodontist appointment and that I couldn’t afford to miss a day or else I can’t exempt finals. I go to my room and put on my flip flops to air out my athletes foot until she tells me that  I can’t wear them because dress down week is over. I respond with “I can still wear these regardless of it being dress down or not” and she thinks that I was being pissy or getting mad at her for which I am now. So long story short I went to school sleep deprived, and pissed, passed out in third and fourth period and the second I get to fifth my day does a 180. One of the girls in my class asks “Who has a Hotspot named UncleDaddy?” Those who knew my friends Hotspot including me died laughing. So, how’re you guys doing 


Pesan ini mungkin menyinggung
Also, Valkyries Spas-12 and Deagle is OP. I almost got my first ranked Ace using her Shotgun until I got a kill with Deagle in a desperation attempt to kill Ash after having most of the ammo on the shotgun go through her non-existent hitboxes and hit Fuze, who was pinned by a Frost trap. Then my teammate killed the last person on the opposing team. Again, almost had my first ranked ace with a shotgun until that Deagle kill and my teammate stealing the kill. But I’m good with it happening, since I clutched next defending round.  #ValkOP