
I'll be editing the Pheonix Pact Soon Again, more info later next week


Update On All Books: Hello again and I want to start off by saying sorry about the lack of chapters release. I got super swamped with work, which pushed back a lot of my progress with all my books. Though that being said I have created a good regiment for myself getting a significant amount of progress done for my books. So all that being said hopefully August will be booming with rather content or updates. Thank you to all my followers and casual readers.


Phoenix Pact Into The Marvel Universe Update:
          Hello! It’s been a while but I have another update with a lot of good news in it. First off things are going well for Vol 2 as it feels like things are coming to a close. Along with that, Vol 3 is almost now in progress with a lot of practice scenes out of the way to see if certain concepts could pan out. What does any of that mean? Basically Vol 3 is going to be pretty good and to note of Vol 3 takes a lot of elements from Vol 1 and spins them into insane vil. But before we even get there, the revision work is slowly but surely getting done. Issue 1-5 revisions are complete and ready to be read or re-read along with Actual Images of the Characters (Which are in the Authors Notes). In the long run, I am planning to create 3D Models of the characters but what I have isn’t that bad either. 
          So right now I am starting Beta Reading for Issue 1-5. Anyone can do the whole series if they wish but I want to see how they read before I commit to Issue 6-10 revisions. Please contact me if you are interested. I am not sure how long it will take me to do 6-10 revisions but most likely 2-4 Months depending on a lot of factors. 
          Red Dread Update: This book will be coming out soon, before the end of this month soon. 
          Final Fantasy 14 A Frontier Revived: A new Chapter will be coming out before the end of this month as well.


Phoenix Pact Into The Marvel Universe Update: So okay, a bit of a short update, but I am currently writing the story. In fact the first Issue has been rewritten with more scenes and added descriptions plus some dialogue. I am starting from Issue #1 onward because despite what I thought it is easier for to edit that way since I have a tendency of adding things. The others will be rewritten sooner then later but I won’t another update until the whole thing is rewritten. Vol 2 is working out great so far and going not at all how I thought, which is all the more exciting. All I can say is never trust a ghoul.


It’s been a while, but I wanted to do an Update
          Final Fantasy 14 A Frontier Revived: Alright, so not only are my major edits done for the series so far are done but also Act 3 is now out. It took me a long while to do due to a lot of outside personal stuff, but I was finally able to get it done. Not sure when I will release Act 4 but If you haven’t checked out the series so far it is pretty good (Or at least in my opinion).
          Red Dread: Though I am really excited about this book I am going to put on hold to focus on my other books. Can’t wait to showcase the story soon but it may not see the light of day until sometime next year. (Hopefully, I am wrong)
          Pheonix Pact Into The Marvel Universe: Okay so I want to say that I am 3/4ths done with Volume 2 but it’s hard to say (Pantser Life). I really want to finish Volume 2 so I can start the 2nd Drafting and soon releasing it. I contemplating if I should do the edits for Volume 1 or do more beta reads, but either way, my next focus is this story’s` edits. Again, feel free to Beta read it if you want just please message me before and after you do so. The edits may take a few weeks to complete so please be patient with me. Lastly to note I will edit backwards so I am starting on Issue 12 and working my way all the way to Issue 1 (Helps with continuity for me)
          Alright, that’s all I had to say. Stay safe and thanks for reading.


Part 2 
          Phoenix Pact Into The Marvel Universe: So all 14 Issues/Chapters are all out, which mostly concludes Volume 1. Issue 15 is both a one off lone issue (Aka a single story) along with a preview to great events to come. Issue 15 won’t be out until I have concluded Volume 2 so they may take a while to come out. So as far as the current story I am doing Beta reads for it! If you want to beta read for it just message me and I will even match you with your own book if you have one. I want to get a few beta reads of the first volume before I do a super quality edit of the story so again please just message me so I can be notified and mentally prepared lol. Though if I have anyone scratching their heads wondering what to aspect from Volume 2 is definitely a dark yet still comedic tone to the series. We get more backstory of the Phoenix Pact along with elements of their past coming to light. Satirically wise, though fewer things get made fun of, the focus of the satire shows more or less the problems of a certain popular group. 
          Red Dread: Now I am going to warn people up front this is going to be a hard book to stomach. The story follows multiple main characters who are openly Narcissistic and Psychopathic. If those behavior types are not something you can read about without getting triggered, then you may want to skip this book. That being said this is simply a slow burn of a dark comedic horror starring one of my characters from my previous book (Phoenix Pact Into The Marvel’s a long story). I have already written out a few chapters and love how it’s shaping up. Most likely the first few chapters of the book will be published after my rewrites for FF14 are done, but if you’re a fan of gore/horror, you may love the book.
          Alright, that about wraps it up. Thank you to everyone who is following me. You give me the will to make these books/release them and I can’t wait to entertain you more with my writing.


Hey followers, wanted to give an update since it’s been a while and yada yada yada.
          Book Updates:
          Final Fantasy 14 Frontier Revived: So as far as the story goes I have hit a bit of a bump so Act 5 and on are in Limbo however Act 1-4 story wise are done. That all being said the story is currently going through quality rewrites expanding on the scenes, dialogue and putting more style in there. Act 1’s rewrites are done and I am currently working on Act 2. Once Act 2 is done then Act 3 will be published and ready for the public. Not sure exactly when I will release 4 but my general rule is that I need to be an Arc ahead (usually 4 acts/chapters ahead). If you haven’t read the Act 1 I heavily recommend it. Again it’s a more serious story with very little humor but filled with a lot of attention to detail and small twists along with a story worldwide twist. 
          Part 1


Okay back to give a bit of a somewhat formal update.
          1. So my newest fan fic "Final Fantasy 14: A Frontier Revived" is now out. My hardy god that took long but for me feels worth it. More of a serious and character focus story with a good amount of action and mystery built inside of it. The story is final fantasy 14 lore friendly but at the same time is an open fan fiction (So even if you don't know anything final fantasy you should be able to follow through the story as if its another fantasy story). The story will weirdly enough, without to much spoilers, will slowly become it's own world while also having what seems like my trade mark story wide twist. I'm still working on the story overall so it will be a while before more updates will come along with possible story edits but the first five acts will be releasing within these few months. 
          2. For the Phoenix Pact into the Marvel Universe I had just release Issue 13 which is filled with "alien" drugs and big revelations. All of this is of course building up to the Issue 14 climax which will resolve the immediate plot line, reveal great secrets and set up the overall newer plot line of the series. Sounds crazy because it is but at this point the series will only get more zany. So after Issue 14 I will be going into a slight "hiatus" for the series until Volume 2 is completed which then I will release Issue 15 (A one-off single story line Issue) and soon after kick off Volume 2. I can say at least that Volume 2 will turn the series more into a dark comedy and sci-fi thriller with newer theme driving the story. Issue 15 also will heavily foreshadow the theme of Volume 2 while also having a great stinger at the end of the Issue. Issue 14 will be coming out sometime soon, depending on how busy I get, and I want to say thank you to all that are sticking with this series because from here on out you're going to love what I have in store for you all.