Hey guys! This is the last thing I will be posting on this account.
If you wish to continue following me and see how my stories come out please follow @TheEnderCrafterPlayz (I believe that is the right tag)
Hey guys! This is the last thing I will be posting on this account.
If you wish to continue following me and see how my stories come out please follow @TheEnderCrafterPlayz (I believe that is the right tag)
Hey guys! Ender Crafter Here on my friends account! Stories will stop being posted here and Stories like Florida Dreamboat and such will either be on my new account or this account! Sorry and Love you guys
@TwEEk_ThE_gAH hello! This is TheEnderCrafter on my friends account,I regret to inform you but I lost access to my account,however I am in the process of creating a new account so I would be Greatful if you would so kindly wait