
@IDareYouToMove *jumps* You scared me! I haven't been on here (or spoken to you for that matter) in AGES! How are you?


Ohhhhhhh that makes sense! We have something similar, but we called them Co-Presidents. Now, though, we have a student council to do that stuff instead of throwing it all on two seniors, haha. xD LOL, I love the names, though! Head Student sounds so...sophisticated and stuff, haha.
          Well, that's certainly nice! I'm personally not a huge fan of camping because of the mosquitoes, but it sounds like fun starting and ending your vacation with something you love to do. :P
          Thanks! Oh, nice! Congrats! :P Here, you have to be 16 to get your license, and I went to get it on my birthday, but didn't pass the vision test, so I had to get new glasses before I could get it (which was, like, 2 months later) xD
          Aw, that's nice! That's so funny because it's the complete opposite for me - my dad would probably get a heart attack if he were to sit in the car when I drive just because he's one of those people who can't stand riding in car if they're not driving it. XD
          Out of curiosity, how does the driving licensing thingy work for you guys? :P
          Thanks! Eight days left! Ahhhh! LOL
          And haha, no, it's not really HARD, per se. It's just more of a bother, because you really have to put the effort into memorizing it all and ugh. And the music history I'm doing in the summer isn't from school-school - it's from another separate "music academy", so to speak. Our music stuff in actual school (other than universities and stuff where you major in it) is really quite not that intense, so I don't think we'd offer a music history course, anyway, LOL XD
          Indeed it is! Hallelujah for summer! *throws a sleeping party because I'm just that tired*
          God bless!
          Keep that quill moving! :D


Wow, sounds like quite the eventful year! :D Congrats on the exams and the deputy head girl position (what is that? o.O We don't have Head Student roles here...)! And, haha, only having one more year left of school! That's always nice, LOL xP
          Oh, nice! :D Sounds like a nice, chill, fun summer, something that's always good to have, haha xD Do you like camping a lot? :P
          Eh, things have been a lot less eventful than yours, I'm afraid to say. I mean, I'm done grade 11, I passed all my music exams (OH MY GOSH some of the most stressful things ever! But, ah, it's my life, haha. Don't know how I'd live without piano. And I only have one more practical exam to go before I'm technically completely finished the music program, so to speak! *pumps fist* Never thought I'd see the day when I'm done, LOL. They just seemed to go on forever...), and I'm attempting to enjoy my summer, so...pretty good. OH! This is exciting (at least for me, anyway) - I started driving! And I haven't killed anything or anyone (yet, anyway O.O)! It's so nerve-wracking but I'm getting better at it, so yay! XD LOL My mom is amazing and has more faith in me than I do, haha. Right after my first driving lesson, she goes, "Hey, wanna drive us to get some groceries?" and I'm freaking out, going, "...I've literally driven in mild traffic for ONE hour with a driving instructor beside me with a brake in his seat and you're already confident in my ability to not crash anything? 'Cause I'm not!" and she just grins and goes, "Yup! You'll do fine!" xD Haha, gotta love my mom!
, I'm in the middle of studying for a music history exam in August (AH THE COUNT DOWN IS STARTING O_O)...uh...teaching some piano...and, uh...yeah. My life is pretty much nonexistent. Just catching up on some sleep, eating, trying to start writing again, I suppose. Nothing super exciting XD Haha, I need to stop being so lazy and trying to do stuff, but eh. Too much effort. xD
          God bless!
          Keep that quill moving! :D


OH MY GOODNESS I AM SERIOUSLY SO SO SORRY FOR NOT REPLYING IN FOREVER! My computer was being stupid and didn't let me log onto Wattpad and so I just gave up on figuring it out as I had school to worry about at that time. And now I'm just using my-mom's-but-not-really-anymore-laptop...which lets me log in. Technology.
          How are you? How've you been? It's been so long - how's school and all that jazz? You're free, I guess? XD Any plans for the summer?
          Again, SO sorry!
          Keep that quill moving! :D


Haha, it's inevitable, yeah? (;
          Well, that sounds..pleasant. I'm going to assume that with this late reply that you're probably already done exams, so congratulations on that and sorry for responding so late!
          Well, again, I suppose you're about finished with exams? Either way, congrats on either finishing or being almost finished with them! XD
          Yup, it does!
          ...and now it's not long 'til school starts up again for me...*sigh* Wow, time does fly by.
          Ah, well, on the bright side I actually got a nice and long holiday, haha! xP
          Keep that quill moving! :D


Haha, IKR?! In theory, it's the PERFECT thing to do...
          ...and then you get a dose of reality and realize that it really ISN'T the perfect (or easiest, really) thing to do, LOL...XD
          Wooot, nice! You got this! Ten more to go (I'm assuming if my time calculations are correct?)!!! LOL xP
          Ahhh...that makes more sense. :)
          Here, school runs from September to June and we get a 2-week break during Christmas and New Years. After that, we also have a 1-week break during March (or April; depends on the school board). Then we get occasional PD-days and long weekends from statuary holidays (i.e. Easter, Thanksgiving, etc.).
          Then the best part: our summer vacation runs from end of June to the end of August! xD
          God bless!
          Keep that quill moving! :D


Understandably so! You seem to have quite a workload over there across the ocean! (;
          LOL, exactly! It's so tempting...and yet, you still need it for school....if only, if only...ah, well.
          Not turning on your laptop is quite a good idea! i should try that sometime...when I don't need to use the computer for school anymore....-.- Well, that'll take a while....XD
          Yay! Congrats!! :D
          Well, I'm gonna assume that you'Re in the middle of them, so good luck!! Only some 2 weeks left! :D I have confidence you'll do great!
          Oh my dear...! Well, that explains a LOT!
          ...wait, but does that mean that you have no school during the winter, then? O.o
          God less!
          Keep that quill moving! :D


I'm SO sorry for such a late response! Life and school decided to kick in with a sprinkle of unnecessary stress so Wattpad has been the furthest thing in my mind for the last, like, 2 months...
          LOL, internet. Can't live it yet can't live without it!
          Well, now, I'm sure you did fine on those exams, yeah? :D
          *grins sheepishly* Well, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do, right? LOL XD
          Okay, BACK UP BACK UP!! So, do you have school throughout the entire year? As in, January to December with, like, breaks of weeks in between? o.O
          ...cause I guess that would explain a LOT...
          We only have school from September to June so we get 5 months for 4 subjects and then the next 5 months for the other 4 subjects and their respective exams....O.O
          God bless!
          Keep that quill moving! :D


LOL, congrats! xD That's great!
          I'm sure you did fine! xP But I'll cross my fingers along, anyway. When will you get the results?
          Haha, they were okay and weren't too bad. I know that my French Summative went much better than I expected (yay to chasing after the teacher to tell you the mark), so woot! xD
          ....Whoa, back up! You had 14 exams? As in final FINAL exams? o.O And you're in grade 10? Oh my gosh, are you serious? We only have, like, a maximum of 8 exams over the course of the entire year since we only take 8 courses, and sometimes the course doesn't even have exams! O.O That's a bit crazy to imagine....
          Please tell me that by "exams" in this case, you were referring to just tests....O.O
          God bless!
          Keep that quill moving! :D


Almost, thanks! Just a bit of stuffed nose when coming in from the cold. :)
          Haha, my desk is atrocious right now...oh well. xD Good luck in your searchings, my fellow friend of messy-desks!
          Nice! :D Good luck again for the last three! xP
          Summatives are kind of like exams in the way they cost a lot of your final mark, but they're usually a big project or presentation. Kind of like the project/presentation version of an exam, if you get what I mean? For our school at least, they're usually research projects of some sort or a read-and-conclude-with-project-to-show-understanding-and-etc sort of thing.
          It sounds like you have more exams that us over here! How many DO you have per semester?! O.O
          God bless!
          Keep that quill moving! :D