
Updates for Magiks and Mortals next week. Anticipate 


Can you please read my story and give me your advice 


@JonathanElliott5 I just started reading it


@TheSpoiler555 have you read all 6 chapters? They are quite long but all of the chapters are slowly building towards the grand finale 


@JonathanElliott5 omg thanks it's my first story that I have taken seriously. I'm glad you enjoyed it! 


Hi everyone. I want to apologize for the delay of updates. Like I said I've been ongoing exams for a month but I'm done now. So as from next week posting of chapters will resume. At least three times a week as promised. Thanks you guys. ❤️


Hi guys, my apologies for not recently updating. I've been trying to prepare for my exams coming next week. I'll be too busy to update Mortals or Magiks. I might be able to update once a while but I'll be at my full potential as from on the 15th of next month. Pls bear with me. Thank you, much love ❤️


Hi guys. This is an apology to all my readers. I know I haven't been posting new chapters onu book Mortals. But i promise you its not intentional.
          The honest truth is that i got a writing contract. Its my very first client and its not all that easy. So ive been working on another dtort for them, that's why I been too busy to post, but I promise u Mortals will go on. 
          And i hope that by August I will be continuing. 
          I also be coming back with a new book so please bear with me. And thank you for supporting me.
          More love ♥️♥️