Okay... who else finds my lack of updates annoying, because I genuinely cant get pastmy writers block right now. Its terrible.
Also. Announcement.
Im making another book.
I can hear the groans from through the screen.
"Catie you already have like 5 books theres no need for another one."
And to that, I tell you to blame it on Vi. She gave me a really good Idea when she was talking about a concept with me, and I was like
" ohmigod BOOK"
Baicically, the book will be based apon the seven deadly sins (even tho Im not even Christian ♀️)
Baiscally, The main character who will be struggling with self confidence issues, depression, anxiety, etc. ( the gender has yet to be determined) Movesinto a house, that is haunted be seven demons, each coresponding with a sin.
They wont all appear at once, Im going to slowly introduce them, and slowly throughout the book they are going to be helping him get back on his feet.
For example, Pride helps with self confidence, Lust helps with sexual Insecurity, Etc.
Idk what imma call it, but Ill get that up and posted EVENTUALLY