"Sweet as sugar cold as ice.
Hurt my family once,
I'll break you twice"
- Anonymous

"Pour yourself a drink, put some lipstick on and pull yourself together"
- Elizabeth Taylor

"Do your squats, eat your vegetables, put on some red lipstick and don't let them walk all over you"
- Anonymous

"Chin up princess, or the crown slips"
- Anonymous

I'm no different than you. Just another human being trying to live my life. I don't throw hands if you don't.

Feminist and overprotective is basically my middle name.

Oh and before you leave, there's something I need to tell you. I do a thing called what I want.

Have a great day person, you deserve it!
  • dᥱᥱz ᥒᥙt᥉ ♡
  • IscrittoDecember 14, 2018