
Read the below post


Today is the day
          The big one
          I’m releasing, the first chapter of a book I’ve spent nearly 4 years writing. 
          This book has been slowly coming along due to my extensive attempts to make sure every part of it is more accurate with the franchise I will be representing in this. 
          Chapter One will be released in 2 hours and Chapter Two will be released in 2 days. 
          These first two chapters will be a teaser part to show you all of the upcoming series I’ve been creating. 
          The full book will be available to read on November 1st
          Please make sure to leave a comment and give me feed back on the teaser chapters and tell me if you think there is anything I can improve upon it.
          Hope to see you all there.
          The first person who can guess the franchise before the first two chapters are released will receive Chapter 3 in private messages/Discord


I might overhaul my whole account. Change it up again. 
          Would y’all like short stories or a new book series?


@The_Hellwalker_Nerd Maybe one about the apocalypse or about angels or about aliens 


@girldanger15 I have a few ideas for a book series but idk what to choose 



@The_Hellwalker_Nerd awww it sounds fun but I don't know that much about the game


Dying Light:Extinction is out and better than ever
          We got some new features for you all in this highly interactive RP series 
          • 8 New mutations that will make your OC’s blood boil and their hair white
          • All new interactive story lines. Your decisions matter to your story, each one have seperate outcomes and some even can change your ending
          • A weapon system. Guns have been banned from Old and New Villedour, the only thing you can rely on now is your hand crafted weapons and the ones you find in the battlefield
          • Casual mode, Advanced mode and the all new, Nightmare mode. Each one offers a new story.
          • Encounters. Battle the infected to have a chance to unlock a new dialogue which will offer you a new path for your OC to take.
          The final edits to this book will be released in 24 hours. Your decisions matter and death could just be around the corner so…
          Good night…
          Good luck…


@The_Hellwalker_Nerd It's about fusion and it's so much fun 


Ngl only followed bc your follower count said 665 and I wanted to be 666


@boredapplepie idk anymore, it just seems to keep going up and down 


@The_Hellwalker_Nerd looks like you lost a few followers, anything particular happen? 