Hello people, ive woken up from my slumber once again, and with a new story! I posted just the prologue for now, but I have the first chapters already written soo
Hello people, ive woken up from my slumber once again, and with a new story! I posted just the prologue for now, but I have the first chapters already written soo
Hello there friends! No, I haven't forgotten about you, not at all! I'm working on something big and I wanna take time to finish it, but I'll keep u all updated! In the mean time you can read my half assed stories I still have here but be ware that I won't finish them since I'm working full time on this new project. Have a good time yall!
Sooo as yall can see I started writing again. I hoped that I would be able to keep a good schedule, but university is fcking me raw right now so my updates wont be as frequent as I had wanted to