Escribo cuando me aburro o para saciar la falta fanfics que busco y no encuentro, así que decido hacerlos yo mismo.

Si eres LGTBIfóbico, racista, machista, capacitista o cualquier gilipollez varia, te recomiendo salir de aquí, no quiero neandertales.

No me gustan los términos "yaoi", "yuri" o "donceles". Tampoco el omegaverse o el harem, por favor, no me pidas que los incluya.

Ships que me gustan: Narusasusaku (Naruto), Percabeth (Percy Jackson), Jlaire (Trollhunter), Hiccstrid (HTTYD), Ladynoir (Miraculous Ladybug), Catradora (She-Ra), Lumity (The Owl House)...

Pronombres: He/Him


I write when I am bored or to satisfy the lack of fanfics that I am looking for and cannot find, so I decide to do them myself.

If you are LGTBIphobic, racist, misogynist, capacitist or any other kind of bullshit, I recommend you get out of here, I don't want Neanderthals.

I don't like the terms "yaoi", "yuri" or "maidens". Neither the omegaverse or the harem, please don't ask me to include them.

Ships I like: Narusasusaku (Naruto), Percabeth (Percy Jackson), Jlaire (Trollhunter), Hiccstrid (HTTYD), Ladynoir (Miraculous Ladybug), Catradora (She-Ra), Lumity (The Owl House) ...

Pronouns: He / Him
  • انضمOctober 9, 2016


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