Hello, if you don't feel excepted, I am adopting you. I am your parent and you are my spawn, love you 💕 ❤️🥰🏳️‍🌈
  • 🏳️‍🌈🥰
  • انضمMarch 8, 2020


الرسالة الأخيرة

قصص بقلم Trans Pidge
Sad poems! بقلم Trans_Pidge
Sad poems!
Poems! (Very sad)
Hacked (Pidge X reader) (MTF) بقلم Trans_Pidge
Hacked (Pidge X reader) (MTF)
Y/N Garret joins his brother Hunk Garret in college, while there he joins a group called Voltron, which is a...
I'll find a way. بقلم Trans_Pidge
I'll find a way.
Is this how life goes? Pain and regrets? If so.. I don't wanna live in this world.
2 قوائم قراءة