
Well hello guys! Sorry i haven't been on in ages but college is really taking a toll on me along with a lot of personal stuff happening too. Please just try to bear with me as I do have a lot of the next chapters written i just need to post them and all. So, just keep up and watch out for them =)


Well hello guys! Sorry i haven't been on in ages but college is really taking a toll on me along with a lot of personal stuff happening too. Please just try to bear with me as I do have a lot of the next chapters written i just need to post them and all. So, just keep up and watch out for them =)


HELLO MY PRETTIES!!!!! So i am back!!!! i hope i have kept my readers and i have a mission for all of you. Your mission is to get your friends, fans and people you follow to read at least on of my stories!! If you choose to accept this mission, you shall recieve a dedication in an up coming chapter of the story of your choice. Now this message will self destruct in 5...4...3...2...1...ok so no self destruct but please complete this mission!!!