Hi, guys?
Ummm eheheh, jadi, setelah kehilangan minat nulis selama 1 tahun lebih... Ifa kembali nulis, tapi beda fandom.
Ummm ada beberapa yg masih ingat akun ini?
Sebenernya, terharu, ada yg DM, chat di profil bahkan ngikut ke akun sebelah :")
Mengenai semua cerita yg ada di akun ini, sebenernya sudah terketik, cuman setengah semua.
Chapter termatang yang ANOMALY, tapi baru 12k kata... kalian mau di update atau tunggu cut bagusnya atau ada Part 2-nya? :""
*kalo pun masih ada yg inget dan nge vibes sama cerita tu satu...
Hi, guys?
Ummm eheheh, so, after losing interest in writing for over a year... Ifa is writing again, but in a different fandom.
Ummm are there some who still remember this account?
Actually, touched, there are those who DM, chat on the profile and even follow to the other account :")
About all the stories in this account, actually already typed, only half of it.
The best typing chapter is ANOMALY, but it's only 12k words... do you want to update or wait for the good cut or is there a Part 2? :""
*if anyone still remembers and got the vibes with that one story tho-...