
Mis queidos lectores ,soy yo de nuevo,sigo vivo solo que eh estado ocupado y se me ah hecho dificil escribir nuevos capitulos.En especial por que comenze a escribir mi tesis,talvez sea muy temprano para escribirla pero mi universidad me da la oportunidad de hacerlo,eh tomado la decision de publicar avances de mi tesis aqui.


Si voy a continuar escribiendo,solo que me de tiempo.


Mis queidos lectores ,soy yo de nuevo,sigo vivo solo que eh estado ocupado y se me ah hecho dificil escribir nuevos capitulos.En especial por que comenze a escribir mi tesis,talvez sea muy temprano para escribirla pero mi universidad me da la oportunidad de hacerlo,eh tomado la decision de publicar avances de mi tesis aqui.


Si voy a continuar escribiendo,solo que me de tiempo.


Fecha de actualización de fate:nier automata?


@ UlisesNightmere  está bien al menos será dentro de este mismo mes o al siguiente 


@Darkabsol2003 hola buenas ,noches,no podria decidir exactamente cuánto tiempo ya que no hay un cronograma especifico


Hey @UlisesNightmare? Are you alive? How are you?


@UlisesNightmere. that's OK, as long as we have a translator and that grammar  is decent we'll be able to read it. I hope the new story surprises me. Anyway keep up the good work and good luck.


@Neon_Soldier_27 Is Fate Story and a Crossover,and yeah t'he Story Is Upload Just in Spanish


@UlisesNightmere Oh Interesting! I hope that the story will come soon!
            P.S. Is it a Fate series story? And is it a Crossover or not?


Welcome back @UlisesNightmare. It is so good to see you active again. The chapter is very good and I can't wait for more chapters to come. I'm very eager to read more of this story. I hope you are doing well and continue to write this story. I hope that your writers block will go away and get inspired.
          P.S: if you want inspiration, then watch or research:
          For technology-based ideas: metal gear rising revengeance (video games), cyberpunk edgerunners(anime), armored core(video game), evangelion series (anime) and etc.
          For fight scene choreography: Jujutsu kaisen (both the anime and manga), Sakamoto days (manga), and etc.
          And have characters like Bazett Fraga McRemitz, fiore forvedge yggdmillennia, olga marie animusphere, tachie (the type-moon's prototype of Mashu Kyrielight. (P.s: she looks like mashu Kyrielight, but with black hair, violet or red eyes, and has a history with shirou emiya.)), Sella von einzbern, leysritt von einzbern, and many other characters who are not in chaldea, as yorha androids. I'd love to see Chaldea's reactions to them.
          P.P.S: if you have trouble writing or don't have time, then you can always ask help or collaborate with others wattpad writers to help you with your stories and research on the things you need.


@UlisesNightmere are you alive?
          It's been two months since you last posted a story. Are you okay?
          Please respond.


@Neon_Soldier_27 maybe,but i Will honest to you,now i am studing Polític Science and Públic Administration,AND my Project Is abaut that tòpic ,to be More specified Is Polític Investigacions,so writting Storys frecuently Will be More difficult


Oh, Okay, I hope your project turns out well and good.
            After your project, will you be much more active?


@UlisesNightmere are you alive?


@UlisesNightmere . Okay, can you upload a new chapter of fate automata this month? If so take your time to write the chapter within this month. And study well, I hope you pass your exam or something to get some time for yourself.


@Neon_Soldier_27 and on my country Is near the presidential election's so fort the polítician students ,We have a lot of Work,i'm trying to write when i have time


@Neon_Soldier_27  just that this Last Month's i have a lot of Work in my University, i'm studing Polític Science and Public Administration so yeah a lot of Work and Polític problems