Hey, guys! I'm back on track! Yup, just updated Something's Wrong With The Missus with its third chapter. I want to apologize for the long wait, but I hope you'll like it.
Olá, tudo bem!?
Gostaria de te convidar a conhecer o meu novo livro por aqui. Confira o link e a sinopse abaixo:
Proteja-me do que eu quero (2020)
Nos encontramos por lá!?
Um abraço.
Hey, guys! I'm back on track! Yup, just updated Something's Wrong With The Missus with its third chapter. I want to apologize for the long wait, but I hope you'll like it.
Happy New Year, everyone! I know it's kinda late, considering it's already January 2- but! Who cares???? All is well.. hopefully throughout 2020, until the year ends.
P. S. To all those who are looking forward to an update to my book, continue to stay tuned. An update will come before you can figure out where in the world you placed your lost (unfortunately, your fav) shirt.
Anyway, Hope you'll find what your seeking for this year!
Love lots, Pia
Hey, guys! Do you remember that I published a new book recently? Well, I just updated it with the second chapter. Hope you'll love it!
P.S I apologize for taking too long to update.
After so many months of having a hard time pulling myself together, I finally found the perfect story to share. This is my new story,"Something's Wrong With The Missus"
Check it out now! Enjoy reading!
P.S : I would love to hear your feedbacks and constructive criticisms. Feel free to drop a private message at my account.
Love you all!