
Also, for the episode/chapter titled-'In Your Dreams'-With the Geno Randomizer hooked up to her dream machine, Elsa invades the Ranger's dreams to destroy them for good. Tommy's dream of the calamari he had for causes him to fight Squidrose, Kira's dream about a reptile report due has her fighting Croco D'Vile, Ethan's dream about looking at a picture of a monkey has him fighting Rhumba Monkey, and Connor's dream about doing early Christmas shopping with his mother has him fighting Rude Elf. With each Ranger facing off against a unique monster, will they be able to overcome their fears?
          	What should Avalon face? A weird monster version of the four mascots of Hogwarts or have her first encounter with Drakkon(but she does not know it yet)


Also, for the episode/chapter titled-'In Your Dreams'-With the Geno Randomizer hooked up to her dream machine, Elsa invades the Ranger's dreams to destroy them for good. Tommy's dream of the calamari he had for causes him to fight Squidrose, Kira's dream about a reptile report due has her fighting Croco D'Vile, Ethan's dream about looking at a picture of a monkey has him fighting Rhumba Monkey, and Connor's dream about doing early Christmas shopping with his mother has him fighting Rude Elf. With each Ranger facing off against a unique monster, will they be able to overcome their fears?
          What should Avalon face? A weird monster version of the four mascots of Hogwarts or have her first encounter with Drakkon(but she does not know it yet)


I was going to work on 'As Long As You Love Me'...but I can't keep my eyes open right now...and Mondays are always so hectic for me there is a cold front moving in that is bringing some storms and my anxiety is already on high alert.


I know this is bad of me....but I remember using a Roleplaying AI app once and it had Tommy Oliver on I can't remember the name of it.....and I liked it...


@BrittanyFoster141 I do not think I have Character.AI for Samsung


@Vanna1196 I looked him up and it still has him as Tommy Oliver and Dr Tommy Oliver it’s odd that you couldn’t find it


@BrittanyFoster141 I think I found it, but they got rid of Tommy Oliver when I tried to look for it....oh well


:) I really liked this idea, and it works really well. And another thing we can do is that the wizards don't know who Avalon was, but Drakkon reveals her identity and then Dumbledore decides to do one of his tricks, which is to tell Molly Weasley to make an illegal marriage contract so that Avalon and her daughter (because she had two children, a boy and a girl) marry Avalon to that guy I told you about and her daughter to Ron Weasley, who in this story would abuse women, like when Avalon's daughter is going to say something Ron yells that she shouldn't say it because women never talk back to men, then the girl beats up Weasley and Dumbledore and Molly reprimand the girl because she shouldn't treat her fiancé like that but then Avalon gets this marriage contract and destroys it right in front of the two and if this happens again she will end them both and another thing the Potters try to reprimand Avalon for disrespecting the director and Molly Weasley. what do you think?


:) This new story of yours, brilliant hope, you can already see that it has a lot of potential to be one of the best you've ever written, you know?


@Vanna1196 :) Yes, it will work, because it was you who wrote these words and when you wrote it, it was really cool, so it will work.


@Vanna1196 :) exactly, and also you can use james potter's words from your mortal kombat story, when he discovers avalon's identity he sees her powers and says when he confronts her (you are nothing, you have nothing, you are nobody, who did you steal those powers from?) and then her children defend their mother and then james slaps one of the children and then avalon beats up james what do you think about that?


this message may be offensive
So, a few years go, one of my cousins in Tennessee was shot and murdered in front of his own children by a neighbor who then has been harassing the widow and children. And, my cousin was on the Autistic Spectrum as well....Sadly, as a sign of just how fucked up the US justice system is now(and has always been) the murderer was found not guilt by an unanimous jury....OH, and the murderer is also related to someone within the county sheriff's office or  DA(District Attorney)


@acasti74 I did not know the cousin directly, but the death impacted my mother more because she was close to him


@Zeusesdaughter1998 It is....and I hate it! I have little faith in the justice system of the US as well as the medical system now too...


@Vanna1196  I'm so sorry for your loss