
this message may be offensive
Eurrrghh... I Feel Dizzy... >.< Q^Q
          	So At The Moment, I'm Feeling A Bit Ill/Sick. I've Got A Cold And It Might Postpone My Need To Draw. (Unless It's A School Project). And Tomorrow's St Patrick's Day! An Irish Traditional Day, Which I Might Miss! DX
          	Well, Life Can Suck, So I Guess I'll Just Have To Suck It Up. "XD


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Eurrrghh... I Feel Dizzy... >.< Q^Q
          So At The Moment, I'm Feeling A Bit Ill/Sick. I've Got A Cold And It Might Postpone My Need To Draw. (Unless It's A School Project). And Tomorrow's St Patrick's Day! An Irish Traditional Day, Which I Might Miss! DX
          Well, Life Can Suck, So I Guess I'll Just Have To Suck It Up. "XD


Hey, FutureGirl Here! I Want To Ask A Question About A Book I'm Making.
          I'm In The Middle Of Production With This Book And I Want To Show It To The Public, However, I Hope For Two Things:
          1: That Copyright Goes To Me.
          2: That I Get A Reasonable Payment For This Book.
          I Can't Tell If Wattpad Is Just For Writing Free Stories Online For Fun, Or If You Can Write A Professional Book And Get A Loan Of Sorts. Please Make Sure To Notify Me Of This Dilemma.