
So y’all remember when i said like oh blah blah blah making a new story yada yada, right so i will but….she’s gonna be likely coming out in the summer…..so um yeah….SORRY


Heh... Back again... Um, so like I'm really sorry, idk what to say, but I think I might be going insane, jk... I hope... Anywaysssss I will not be coming back in a couple weeks, like I'm working slowly on my stories but like idk why but I'm low-key losing motivation... so the more and more I'm doing this, the more I just feel drained... No offence of course. It's just gotten  more tiring because of school and stuff, and like not to be rude, this isn't my top priority, so I've been falling behind on this ngl, so I apologize, nothing I can really do to help, or you. So, just give me time I guess? And i'm just sorry, I've been quite irresponsible with posting recently, so I blame that on myself fully. So I just don't really know... So Just give me time and I'll try my best. Thank you all.


@Vj88_01102 we are here for you, i get Wattpad shouldn't be your first priority it should be something you do for fun, i would hate for you to drain yourself out  <333


@Vj88_01102 I love you and you do you❤


@Vj88_01102 I’ll wait and I’m here for uuu


So... I NEEDA A FUCKIN MENTAL HEALTH BREAK... If ykyk, don't feel like explaining it rn, but if you wanna know, It's in detention one of my stories where I explain it...SOoooo, SORRY POOKIES but I need some time lol... I'll try to update for you guys though... andddd well... I can tell you I'm working on another story a lil bit, SOOOO yeahhh byeeee.


Some kid is gonna jump me tmr... I'M SCARED ASF... ERM, don't worry though I'll rip off their stanky weave. but... SEND HELP PLEASEEEE


Bet he ain't gonna show though


this message may be offensive
Back story... this boy we'll call him dog, cause he is a dog. Anyways he was being a stanky rat as usual, and he was walking in the hallway stinking it up in there. And then I walked by, and I quote on quote tripped him somehow, cause this over weight obese child fell on air, and that's me always, but he did it in a main hallway where everyone goes to go to their next class.  SOOOOOO, he went like alpha mode or smth, cause this boy started getting ANGRY like he was like "HOW THE HELL DARED TO TRIP ME!" and I was trying not to laugh, but this boy stuck his booger picking fat ass finger in my face! AND HE SAID "YOU DID THIS, DIDN;T YOU!!!!" And I said,.. "You're not the main character calm down." AND HE GOT MAD, and his cute ass friend, who I thought was like cool with me, and he isn't obese, and then he was like "Brah, Ima jump you know!'" JUMP THESE BALLS CUAS HELL NAH