
Hiya! Sammi here! Just wanted to say Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Please, if you can, tell the people you love that they mean a lot to you.
          	Also, this part is for my little wizards and witches, I have been working a lot on the next chapter for 'Is This Love', so please don't think I haven't been doing anything! I'm trying to go as fast as I can with making it, but I'm still trying to think possible story lines for it and make it more interesting. But I can guarantee that the new chapter will be out by the end of January. So please be patient for a little longer, I'm trying my hardest. 
          	And as for my little conspiracy theorist, I'm going to be pumping out a lot of new chapters for my conspiracy book and also making a new book about the hidden messages in songs. So, yay!
          	Anyways, I think that's all I had to say for today. So until next time my little witches and wizards, conspiracy theorist, and Christmas fanatics! Happy Holidays!


@WTFamIwatching wait merry Christmas Eve, I'll tell you merry Christmas tomorrow


@WTFamIwatching merry Christmas Sammy, hope you have a great day


Hiya! Sammi here! Just wanted to say Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Please, if you can, tell the people you love that they mean a lot to you.
          Also, this part is for my little wizards and witches, I have been working a lot on the next chapter for 'Is This Love', so please don't think I haven't been doing anything! I'm trying to go as fast as I can with making it, but I'm still trying to think possible story lines for it and make it more interesting. But I can guarantee that the new chapter will be out by the end of January. So please be patient for a little longer, I'm trying my hardest. 
          And as for my little conspiracy theorist, I'm going to be pumping out a lot of new chapters for my conspiracy book and also making a new book about the hidden messages in songs. So, yay!
          Anyways, I think that's all I had to say for today. So until next time my little witches and wizards, conspiracy theorist, and Christmas fanatics! Happy Holidays!


@WTFamIwatching wait merry Christmas Eve, I'll tell you merry Christmas tomorrow


@WTFamIwatching merry Christmas Sammy, hope you have a great day


HEYO! Sammi here! This is for my little wizards and witches. My 'Ron x reader' book will have another chapter out on November 10th so...... Yeah. And also, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 300 READS YOU GUYS REALLY ARE THE BEST!!!
          Also, new book coming out soon for my conspiracy theorist!
          Anyway that's all I wanted to say, so bye for now my little wizards and witches.✌️


Hello my beautiful readers! I just wanted to say thank you sooooo much for 200 reads! I'm so happy people are actually reading my garbage writing! 
          Also I wanted to see if anyone wanted to suggest any ideas for new stories. So if you want to see new stories then please comment on this post so I can get to writing them! I would be so happy to write any suggestions you have! 
          Anyway, I've gotta go. But until next time, my little wizards and witches! ✌️


  Hiya, to all of my little wizards and witches! I just wanted to say I'm so sorry if you're waiting an update, I'm just trying to figure out what I'm going to do for this book. But, hopefully, I'm going to get the next update out by the end of the month.
            Also, I am aware that Ronnie boy hasn't made an appearance yet, but I'm just trying to make it more interesting than just a love story that will be lost among thousands of others. Don't worry though I'm going to get to him, just not yet. 
            Also, if you have any requests for ideas for this story feel free to put in some suggestions. Or if you just have any other stories that you would like me to write then I encourage you to put in some suggestions as well. I'm always happy to write what my readers like. 
          Anyways, that's all for today. Remember to stay magical and don't be afraid to hex Dudley five times in a row! And with that out the way; until next time my little wizards and witches! ✌️