
We're sorry for the lack of stories! As soon as the allegiances are finished, we will publish it.


Okay, here is the form for joining!
          Why would you like to join:
          Have you read warriors:
          If yes, what book are you in:
          Have you written about warriors:
          How good is your grammar:
          Post a message here with your answers :)


YESH I was hoping you joined! Lol i alos hve tteh bset grmmare! XD nope. I'm glad you're one of those people, I'm one too! I'll send you a private message :D


Nickname: Pearl (my warriors name is Eveningdusk)
            Why you would like to join: Because I really want to help out with your warriors writing!
            Have you read warriors: YUP!!!!!
            If yes what book are you in: I've read almost all of them...except most of the ebooks
            Have you written about warriors: Yup! I'm on chapter 3 of my own fanfic.
            How good is your grammer: mY Grammare ise teh bestest! Lol just kidding XD I'm one of those people who try really hard to keep their grammar and spelling well.